Friday, September 18, 2009


I want to thank all of you who have been and are still so supportive. I'm glad there are more supporters then there are crabby people :-P

The IEP was yesterday so after I pull my self "back" together again, I will update about it.

Corb is doing and being amazing. I love listening to the therapists brag him up. He's still nervous and still has tummy issues but over all he seems to really be having fun.

Caradie and Corbin


Paula71 said...

I totally understand the meeting you had yesterday. I have been attending those A.R.D. meetings for many years for my son. Each year we have to come up with IEP' and BIP's for him. They can make you have tired head from all of the information they give you. If it gets to much see if one of his therapists from the past can go with you to be a Parent Advocate. They can only talk to you and tell you what they think but they can attend the meeting with you. An advocate can give you advice on what kind of adaptations they should use for Corbin and such. I have found it to be of great help. When you tell them you are bring a Parent Advocate all you have to do is tell them who it is and have them come to the meeting. Telling them you are bringing and advocate is like telling them you are bringing a lawyer. Stuff tends to get done faster and better.

Kalena said...

Caradie I just want to let you know that we will always be here for you and Corbin and your family. Corbin is a very special boy and we are so blessed that you allowed us to read his story and get to know him. Give Corbin a big hug for us okay.
I know the feeling of IEP Denis does that to because of the Autism. Anyhow
SO take er easy
Hugs Kalena and Family