Friday, December 12, 2008

New bedroom

I have made another new decision that was very hard for me. As most of you know Corb has been sleeping right next to me (in his bed) for a long time, well since he's getting heavier & longer/taller, I decided to put his new bed downstairs & make his therapy room into his bedroom too.

Take a look...

Caradie and Corbin


Amy said...

Wow, I like it--very organized!! I need you here to get my mess cleaned up and show me how to get organized!! LOL!! It's like every room in the house is Emma's. Therapy stuff and equipment stuff everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Hey Corbie,
I like your new bedroom all nice and orgainized. Way to go being a big boy with your sleeping the nite. Have a good weekend buddy~Darlene