Sunday, December 28, 2008

Decided to share....

Hi everyone,

I don't want to bring my personal life to Corbie's blog but I wanted to share another reason I have been lacking in posts.

Bill (husband) & I are not doing to well in our marriage so that's a huge part of the sadness lately.

I did take some videos & pics...hope you all enjoy. I will get out of this rut soon. Just bear with me. I know how much Corbie means to you all :-D THANK YOU

Here's Corb talking to his show.

Here's Corb laughing at opening up his Christmas present. He used to be totally scared of paper, this year he did so great!!!

A new onesie.

One of the days he didn't feel good, I propped him up so he could breath.

Caradie and Corbin


Anonymous said...


I loved Corbies laugh,and his jabbering. As it looks like he had a great Christmas. I hope he is feeling better. I like the new onsies. I will pray that you all have a Happy New Year.

Caradie,you shared something very personal with us, all I can say is that I will be here to support you,if you need me? Every marriage has their bumps. My only advice is try your best to work through them togather.

Much love,

Corbinleeproject said...

Who is this?

And thank you...we are going to give it one more try!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry it's me Darlene. I forgot to sign my name.

Corbinleeproject said...

I actually thought is was you :-)