Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a toad

Corb moves around the floor a lot now so I had to put up some padding.


Caradie and Corbin


Anonymous said...

What a little character LoL! Genius idea with the pads Cardie. ..........Dar

Anonymous said...

Wow way to go Corbin its nice to seem him getting all over LOL at the same time You'll have to keep up with him booging all over. Great idea with the padding. I bet he loves the red and yellow colours as well. You are so smart Caradie.

Anonymous said...

***blush*** thanks
hopefully someday I will have the belt that goes witht he cage and I could put that back up.

Anonymous said...

***blush*** again thanks

it's so weird that he, all of a sudden started to move all over the floor. Love it though!!!