Thursday, December 4, 2008


I made two appointments today, one with physical medicine/rehab to talk about the pump issues (not until Feb though) & the second appointment was for the evals with PT, OT & ST (I know this ST she's awesome) at the new place.

Also this month he has a well child check with his peds & an appointment with his ortho. And then his neuro, at the end of Jan. All of which have always felt strongly that the pump would be right for him, so I will have many people to help me make this decision, including you all THANK YOU!!! Sadly the decision it going to take longer then I had planned. If I do decide to do this for Corb I would like it to be done fairly soon because he needs to be all healed & ready to work his little butt off before Sept when he will be starting school (w/me of course LOL)

Well anyway I'm going to bring a CD of the videos I took during the test so all the doctors will have a real way of judging how the test went.

Caradie and Corbin


Anonymous said...

Like I said, I think you will know in your heart what is in the best interest for Corbie. We will be here to support you no matter what your decesion may be. ~Darlene

Anonymous said...

For being a total stranger, you are one of Corbie's most dedicated supporters :-) THANK YOU

Anonymous said...

God created beautiful creatures and one of the greatest gifts he created was Corbie. Your beautiful boy has a way with pulling at my heart strings and leaving some huge imprints. So I guess I have to say is, thank you to Bill and you for sharing Corbie with me.....Darlene

Anonymous said...


OK now I'm crying.

Corb sure means a lot to me & I believe part of the reason why he was given back to me, was to teach everyone something threw his spirit.

Corbin has a way about him that, as long as you have the capacity to let him, he will draw you in deeply.

EVERY where we go Corbin is loved, Wal-Mart, doctor offices, his colleges & especially here on-line where you all get to really know his true self through me & his videos.

THANK YOU all for continuing to keep close tabs on my (our) sweet boy.

Caradie and Corbin