I figured out how to moderate the comments when they come in....F with me now mean, rude people.
If there's any of you left trying to follow Corb's story let me know? I wanna know if I really need to keep this site going.
Also please feel free to follow Corb on FaceBook
Hi Caradie and Corbin:
Some how I lost contact in your site. So sorry to hear about the rude comments you have been receiving. I hope your all doing well otherwise. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always. Happy to be back to follow sweet Corbie again.
Take Care
Sending my love,
I prefer to follow this site, but I have FB too! That makes me mad that people make rude comments. How cold can people be?
I hope you keep this site, but I understand if you decide not to.
Hi Caradie,
Somehow,either through Caringbridge or this blog,I set up automatic email alerts to new entries. I LOVE that, because when I get too busy(which happens often) then I still don't miss your updates on Corbin's progress.I really enjoy following his (and your) adventures. You are just amazing when it comes to adapting or even inventing equipment that suits Corbin's needs.If the site is too much work to maintain, then I can follow on my son's Facebook if you will accept him as a friend.His name is Jake Miller, just so you know in case we friend request you and Corbin. I'm glad you posted here because it sent me an alert which reminded me to check out what's new.If you decide to drop this site and stick with Facebook, please post once more so I will remember to switch.
You are doing a wonderful job. Corbin looks great as he grows and he still continues to make progress.
Ginger Miller
Hi Caradie. Just checking into Corbin's website. Haven't in a while, because I follow you on Facebook, not so much here. (You asked if anyone was still using the site.) Facebook is easier for me. rude comments? WTH??
I've been following on here as well. :)
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