Thursday, February 5, 2009

Extreme MakeOver home edition

We are in Superior, right over the bridge from Duluth

I have many people contact me letting me know this....PLEASE send us your.....good thoughts, best wishes, Prayers, Spiritual energy or anything you believe in!!!!!!!!!

If you live around our area...listen to B105 at 8:10 am tomorrow (Fri. Feb 6th) Cathy Kates will be speaking to the producers of the show live.

Caradie and Corbin


Anonymous said...

Caradie,Bill,Corbie,Austin,and Noah:

You all know that I have been praying hard for your family to be nominated for this great gift. In my book there is no other deserving family to receive this gift of a new home then yours.

Wishing you the best of luck.
A faithful friend,
Darlene M.
Bismarck,North Dakota

Amy said...

Oh guys, that would be awesome if you could get this help!! I will pray very hard that you are chosen. I know how you need this for equipment, accessibility, etc. for all of you and Corbie!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when this was going to come up!!! Good luck! I've been really hoping that this pulls thru for you!

Best of luck,

Lori & Sophia Schweiger

Anonymous said...

Rob owns his own buisness as the flyer guy here so he said since he has over 30 thousand susscraibers to his website he will forward the caringbridge link and a few paragraphs of what you need and people can email you. If you would ike us to do this we would love to help out. Send me a email and let us know.
Kalena and Rob