I know...EVERY...single sound he makes...what it's for...what to do about it..do I need to run...or can I get to it in a sec...I even know (by his breathing) when he thinks something is funny...but not funny enough to out right laugh at...he talks to his toys hanging above him...when he seems someone he knows...he lights up...he's a way....BIG TIME...flirt...oh yeah...he “bitches”....he really hates when his shows end...I can hear him...right now... Our computer is upstairs...I have a video monitor...so I can see him...but I don't need the sound on....I can CLEARY hear him....without it...LOL
He is an amazing child...his understanding is an unknown...but I know his understanding through...his being...is GREAT...even know that ain't the normal...I think it's what makes him...more special then any one of us...
Here's Corb talking....to “Little Bill's” baby cousin Jamal again...I hate re-runs...
Caradie and Corbin
I hate reruns too, but do love that part when Little Bill thinks he "broke the baby" when Jamal spit up. I laugh every time!! Sounded like Corbin said "I love the baby" when he was jabbering there. Thank you for sharing the video.....nanci
Oh my goodness, I heard it too. It was like he was trying so hard to say, "I love the baby." It was right after you said, "Do you like the baby?" It is like he is really working to say it. Listen again. He is amazing. At any rate, I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to UNDERSTANDING his needs.
That is a very cute spot...Corbie LOVES "Little Bill" but his fav is "lazy town" Robbie Rotten is very funny to Corbie
Amy, & Nanci
I did re-listen to that video...honestly I don't hear it...but I hear him jabber like that all day long
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