Thursday, September 2, 2010

Please take a look....A way to help Corb and/or others

Dear Family and Friends,

Please check out Corbin's page on the Children's Brain Injury Association website.

I’m honored to know the Founder/President.

Donna is an amazing wonderful woman that has started this Association; the mission is to help raise awareness about Brain Injury.
There are many different types and causes for a Brain Injury to accrue…. Seizures, Near Choking, Near Hanging, Near Drowning, Allergic Reaction, Traumatic Injury to the Head, Complications at Birth, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Chromosome Disorders and the list goes on.

The Association has also been started to help raise funds, so brain injured children can get things they may need, that insurance does not cover.

An example....For Corbin a DynaVox EyeMax communication system would greatly improve the quality of his life. Our insurance does pay for these but ONLY with very detailed paperwork, from a “therapist” and as many of you know, Corbin does not have a therapist, due to paperwork issues. So we are hopeful that the Association will be able to help.

The Children's Brain Injury Association is just in the beginning stages but I know it will be something huge one day, and I’m glad to be a part of it.
THANK YOU Donna for starting this Association, it’s a great way to share with the world that our kids matter!!!!

Donations can be made to the Association or directly to the account of the child, of your choice.

Caradie (Corbin’s Momma)