I'm starting to update more with videos, on FaceBook.
Feel free to friends us! CorbinAndCorbin
I'm a dork, so you've been warned :-D
The rude, ignorant, hurtful people....need not apply!
At 14 month Corbin had a choking accident that left him with significant brain damage
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Life is Overwhelming
Dear Faithful Followers,
I'm sorry I haven't updated, I hope there's still some of you left.
I’m using FaceBook to do everyday life updates. I love Corbin’s website & I’m very proud of it but emotionally I just can’t deal with the rude, ignorant and hurtful things people write. You know, even though it’s just some a$$hole’s opinion, it’s still hurtful.
All I have ever wanted was to share Corbin’s story with you all and of course being his momma that had the most HORRIBLE thing ever happen to her baby, yeah my feelings are going to come out in just about anything I write.
GET OVER IT….is that a fair thing to say to someone under my circumstances????
So away, please feel free to friend request us….Corbin AndCaradie
Here are a few more important updates….
1. I’m homeschooling Corb this year. NO one will tell me I can’t be with my child!!!! I have big plans with my baby bear :- ) Field Trips are being taken care of. For now I was able to get an Aquarium membership (soon YMCA and Depot memberships too). We can go at any time and even the parking is totally paid for. We went for the first time, about a month or so ago. I was so amazed; he understood what to look at. It was just so cool to watch him find the things I asked him too. For socialization Momma is volunteering at Head Start in the 2yr old classroom. Corb’s GirlFriend’s (Hi Sarah) son is in that room too. So far we have gone 3 times and I think it’s going to be a great fit for all of us. On Thu during circle time I explained to the kids that they can’t touch Corb because it scares him but they can talk to him and give him toys. And also please be careful not to step on him when he’s laying on the floor. All the little girls were listening very closely lol boys not so much :-) I’ve known Miss Debbie since Noah was about 5, so I think this will be great!!!!
2. Corb’s dog Jak is a COW!!!! He weighed 70# about 2 months ago. The reason I know this is because I had to bring him to the vet, he was allergic to the new food I had bought him. He had broken out in a really bad rash. Went to the Vet she gave me an antibiotic and within an hour of taking that med he had a MAJOR allergic reaction. OMGoodness it was so bad!!!! I could actually see more hives popping up right in front of my eyes. I won’t sugar coat it, he has been just a LITTLE challenging. I really didn’t want to get a puppy but I just didn’t wanna make the brothers wait any longer :- ( I have worked with many dogs in my life but never one like him. He is trying though.
3. I brought Corbin down to the Mayo clinic in Rochester MN because of all the tummy issues he has. They did EVERY test imaginable and they came up with Bacterial OverGrowth in his small intestines, which was a simple breath test that the Doc up here should have done in the first place. Not sure why Mayo didn’t try that test while we were down there the first time either, but at least we know now. He will be taking an antibiotic 1 week out of every month. I think its helping; he at least hasn’t been in extreme pain so far.
4. We didn’t get the MakeOver again, but life goes on.
5. The waiver lady is working really hard to help me get the things Corb really needs, like a new feeding chair, refer to #2, yeah Jak ate a big hunk out of the chair UGH! But crafty me lol I went out and got red duck tape, taped the sh&! out of it and it looks great lol I figure I will use the mended one at school and the new one at home.
6. HUGE news, Corb has an appointment at the end of the month with an OT for an eval for the Dynavox EyeMax (Donna THANK YOU so much for getting this all started). I don’t know what will come of it but I got new info that makes it sound like it won’t be as hard as the other rep said. This Augmentative Communication device will change his/our lives forever. I know he is a bright boy but facial expressions and sounds aren’t enough!!!!
7. Corb has had some huge steps lately, one of which is in his awareness of his own arms. Because of Corb's extreme spasticity, he is learning how to use his tone to purposely move his own arms/hands. If Corb is left alone to try on his own he actually makes contact. Sadly when we try to help him play, his lil brain goes crazy, he gets distracted by what you're saying, the tone kicks in and then he has to work super hard again to try to do what you wanted him to do in the first place....he never has enough time to get it all processed so he can make his very tight muscles listen to him.
8. One last thing, I was talking to Corb’s Doc and seen another mom post about this certain movement disorder. Corb is on a med for it but I have been researching it like crazy, for days, there are more aggressive treatments, So there may be a huge turn of events….to be continued
I'm sorry I haven't updated, I hope there's still some of you left.
I’m using FaceBook to do everyday life updates. I love Corbin’s website & I’m very proud of it but emotionally I just can’t deal with the rude, ignorant and hurtful things people write. You know, even though it’s just some a$$hole’s opinion, it’s still hurtful.
All I have ever wanted was to share Corbin’s story with you all and of course being his momma that had the most HORRIBLE thing ever happen to her baby, yeah my feelings are going to come out in just about anything I write.
GET OVER IT….is that a fair thing to say to someone under my circumstances????
So away, please feel free to friend request us….Corbin AndCaradie
Here are a few more important updates….
1. I’m homeschooling Corb this year. NO one will tell me I can’t be with my child!!!! I have big plans with my baby bear :- ) Field Trips are being taken care of. For now I was able to get an Aquarium membership (soon YMCA and Depot memberships too). We can go at any time and even the parking is totally paid for. We went for the first time, about a month or so ago. I was so amazed; he understood what to look at. It was just so cool to watch him find the things I asked him too. For socialization Momma is volunteering at Head Start in the 2yr old classroom. Corb’s GirlFriend’s (Hi Sarah) son is in that room too. So far we have gone 3 times and I think it’s going to be a great fit for all of us. On Thu during circle time I explained to the kids that they can’t touch Corb because it scares him but they can talk to him and give him toys. And also please be careful not to step on him when he’s laying on the floor. All the little girls were listening very closely lol boys not so much :-) I’ve known Miss Debbie since Noah was about 5, so I think this will be great!!!!
2. Corb’s dog Jak is a COW!!!! He weighed 70# about 2 months ago. The reason I know this is because I had to bring him to the vet, he was allergic to the new food I had bought him. He had broken out in a really bad rash. Went to the Vet she gave me an antibiotic and within an hour of taking that med he had a MAJOR allergic reaction. OMGoodness it was so bad!!!! I could actually see more hives popping up right in front of my eyes. I won’t sugar coat it, he has been just a LITTLE challenging. I really didn’t want to get a puppy but I just didn’t wanna make the brothers wait any longer :- ( I have worked with many dogs in my life but never one like him. He is trying though.
3. I brought Corbin down to the Mayo clinic in Rochester MN because of all the tummy issues he has. They did EVERY test imaginable and they came up with Bacterial OverGrowth in his small intestines, which was a simple breath test that the Doc up here should have done in the first place. Not sure why Mayo didn’t try that test while we were down there the first time either, but at least we know now. He will be taking an antibiotic 1 week out of every month. I think its helping; he at least hasn’t been in extreme pain so far.
4. We didn’t get the MakeOver again, but life goes on.
5. The waiver lady is working really hard to help me get the things Corb really needs, like a new feeding chair, refer to #2, yeah Jak ate a big hunk out of the chair UGH! But crafty me lol I went out and got red duck tape, taped the sh&! out of it and it looks great lol I figure I will use the mended one at school and the new one at home.
6. HUGE news, Corb has an appointment at the end of the month with an OT for an eval for the Dynavox EyeMax (Donna THANK YOU so much for getting this all started). I don’t know what will come of it but I got new info that makes it sound like it won’t be as hard as the other rep said. This Augmentative Communication device will change his/our lives forever. I know he is a bright boy but facial expressions and sounds aren’t enough!!!!
7. Corb has had some huge steps lately, one of which is in his awareness of his own arms. Because of Corb's extreme spasticity, he is learning how to use his tone to purposely move his own arms/hands. If Corb is left alone to try on his own he actually makes contact. Sadly when we try to help him play, his lil brain goes crazy, he gets distracted by what you're saying, the tone kicks in and then he has to work super hard again to try to do what you wanted him to do in the first place....he never has enough time to get it all processed so he can make his very tight muscles listen to him.
8. One last thing, I was talking to Corb’s Doc and seen another mom post about this certain movement disorder. Corb is on a med for it but I have been researching it like crazy, for days, there are more aggressive treatments, So there may be a huge turn of events….to be continued
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Well thats it, it's over................
Extreme MakOver home edition.......I'm heart BROKEN
By this time next week, if all goes well, the Bill and Adair Grommesh family of Moorhead will be in a new home – at the same address.
The Grommeshes were “ambushed” Sunday morning at a Fargo ice arena by ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and told that they would be the recipients of a new, handicap-accessible home.
“I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it was happening. Very intense. Very exciting,” Bill Grommesh said of the announcement by the “Extreme Makeover” cast at Southwest Ice Arena.
“It’s still not really sinking in. We still feel like we’re part of this dream. We don’t want the dream to end. We feel so blessed,” Adair Grommesh said.
The announcement came after a sled hockey scrimmage for Hope Inc., a nonprofit managed by the Grommeshes that provides sports and other activities for children and young adults with disabilities.
“I thought that was the best way to choose our family because Hope is just such a big part of our life, and these families are so important to us, so I thought that was wonderful that it was done that way. I thought that was absolutely beautiful,” Adair Grommesh said.
“To have a fully accessible house for (her son, Garrett), it’s a dream come true, it really is,” she added, the words nearly bringing tears.
The family’s modest single-story home, at 803 22nd Ave. S., is now ground zero for what promises to be a major construction blitz, surrounded by television trucks and a growing legion of construction rigs.
The Grommeshes have two children, 10-year-old Garrett, who was born with spina bifida and must use a wheelchair to get around. His 11-year-old sister, Peighton, has a pancreatic enzyme deficiency known as Axenfeld-Reiger’s syndrome.
“Words cannot describe what I’m thinking right now. Words cannot describe what I’m feeling right now,” Garrett said.
He declined to say what changes he asked for from the show’s celebrity designers Ty Pennington and Paul DiMeo. Sticking with the safe: “Gotta watch and wait and see.”
But he looks forward to a home he can navigate.
“I really need a house that is accessible. This is going to make a real impact on me,” he said.
Moving trucks were on the street in front of the family’s home as daylight was fading. Their belongings were moved out Sunday night, and they will be sent on vacation to the Bahamas.
Garrett’s voice went up an octave when he was asked their destination.
“The Bahamas!” he said, breaking into an ear-to-ear grin.
It will be their first major vacation as a family.
“It’s a little unnerving, yeah, but it’s exciting because we know we’re going somewhere warm. And we’re going to be well taken care of. So it’s exciting,” Adair Grommesh said.
The access road on the west side of their home was packed with television production vans, and surrounding streets for blocks around were posted for no parking as work crews and equipment were staged to handle the 4,000 volunteers who will help build a new home on the site.
Throughout the day, crews filmed the family at their home for the show.
Scores of people looked on from the west side of Eighth Street, while neighbors and friends watched from the fringes of the television production area, shooed to different areas depending on what camera angles were needed.
On Eighth Street South, a major arterial road, cars slowed drastically, sometimes producing a squeal of tires and brakes, as drivers tried to glance at the hubbub around the Grommesh home.
Roads around the home were blocked off for two to three blocks, and every intersection had one or two Moorhead police or “Extreme Makeover” security guards keeping sightseers away.
Plans are to move the house, rather than demolish it, if possible, said representatives of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and lead builder Heritage Homes of Fargo.
Daryl Braham and Tyrone Leslie, the owners of Heritage Homes, said serious work on that would become visible about 3 a.m. today.
“It’s going to be very fun,” Leslie said.
“Today was truly an honor for all of us in our company,” Braham said Sunday. “This is something for the community. We’re just blessed to be here.”
Paul DiMeo, one of the show’s designer co-stars, said the Grommeshes’ story is powerful.
“I think the biggest part of this build is the story, telling the Grommeshes’ story,” DiMeo said. “Telling the story of how a kid, though he’s bound to a wheelchair, his spirit soars, and I think that’s a story that’s gonna make other kids see, to realize, ‘We can push through.’ ”
“Even though we’re within the bounds of this wheelchair, there’s still a world out there to be explored,” DiMeo said.
Jeff Slaby lives just to the north of the Grommeshes across 22nd Avenue South.
“They’re really a great family. They’re a tightknit family. They’ve got a lot of challenges of their own, but they’re out in the community helping everybody out. They’re working with other handicapped youth to try to provide them with athletic experiences they normally wouldn’t get. They’re constantly giving back. It’s great to see them getting something for themselves because they’re so giving,” Slaby said.
At one point, Ty Pennington zipped by some of the crowd, perched on a four-wheeler talking on a cell phone and waving as a cheer rose up from onlookers.
“It’s in good hands,” Braham told Adair Grommesh. “You’re going to have a whole new life when you come back.”
Kara Lee, 12, is on Peighton’s volleyball team.
“(She’s) really excited,” Kara said of her friend before remarking on the frenzy brought on by a touch of Hollywood.
“It’s kind of overwhelming. I just didn’t imagine it would be all this work,” Lee said.
“I’m so happy for her (Peighton). Her family does deserve it,” added Savannah Tenderholt, who played softball with her.
Volunteering for the show was relatively easy Sunday.
When volunteers were needed for a shot of the family entering a limousine, “Extreme Makeover” crew members walked up to spectators with a stack of blue shirts, asking for 18 people over the age of 18 to step out of the crowd and step in front of the camera.
By this time next week, if all goes well, the Bill and Adair Grommesh family of Moorhead will be in a new home – at the same address.
The Grommeshes were “ambushed” Sunday morning at a Fargo ice arena by ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and told that they would be the recipients of a new, handicap-accessible home.
“I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it was happening. Very intense. Very exciting,” Bill Grommesh said of the announcement by the “Extreme Makeover” cast at Southwest Ice Arena.
“It’s still not really sinking in. We still feel like we’re part of this dream. We don’t want the dream to end. We feel so blessed,” Adair Grommesh said.
The announcement came after a sled hockey scrimmage for Hope Inc., a nonprofit managed by the Grommeshes that provides sports and other activities for children and young adults with disabilities.
“I thought that was the best way to choose our family because Hope is just such a big part of our life, and these families are so important to us, so I thought that was wonderful that it was done that way. I thought that was absolutely beautiful,” Adair Grommesh said.
“To have a fully accessible house for (her son, Garrett), it’s a dream come true, it really is,” she added, the words nearly bringing tears.
The family’s modest single-story home, at 803 22nd Ave. S., is now ground zero for what promises to be a major construction blitz, surrounded by television trucks and a growing legion of construction rigs.
The Grommeshes have two children, 10-year-old Garrett, who was born with spina bifida and must use a wheelchair to get around. His 11-year-old sister, Peighton, has a pancreatic enzyme deficiency known as Axenfeld-Reiger’s syndrome.
“Words cannot describe what I’m thinking right now. Words cannot describe what I’m feeling right now,” Garrett said.
He declined to say what changes he asked for from the show’s celebrity designers Ty Pennington and Paul DiMeo. Sticking with the safe: “Gotta watch and wait and see.”
But he looks forward to a home he can navigate.
“I really need a house that is accessible. This is going to make a real impact on me,” he said.
Moving trucks were on the street in front of the family’s home as daylight was fading. Their belongings were moved out Sunday night, and they will be sent on vacation to the Bahamas.
Garrett’s voice went up an octave when he was asked their destination.
“The Bahamas!” he said, breaking into an ear-to-ear grin.
It will be their first major vacation as a family.
“It’s a little unnerving, yeah, but it’s exciting because we know we’re going somewhere warm. And we’re going to be well taken care of. So it’s exciting,” Adair Grommesh said.
The access road on the west side of their home was packed with television production vans, and surrounding streets for blocks around were posted for no parking as work crews and equipment were staged to handle the 4,000 volunteers who will help build a new home on the site.
Throughout the day, crews filmed the family at their home for the show.
Scores of people looked on from the west side of Eighth Street, while neighbors and friends watched from the fringes of the television production area, shooed to different areas depending on what camera angles were needed.
On Eighth Street South, a major arterial road, cars slowed drastically, sometimes producing a squeal of tires and brakes, as drivers tried to glance at the hubbub around the Grommesh home.
Roads around the home were blocked off for two to three blocks, and every intersection had one or two Moorhead police or “Extreme Makeover” security guards keeping sightseers away.
Plans are to move the house, rather than demolish it, if possible, said representatives of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and lead builder Heritage Homes of Fargo.
Daryl Braham and Tyrone Leslie, the owners of Heritage Homes, said serious work on that would become visible about 3 a.m. today.
“It’s going to be very fun,” Leslie said.
“Today was truly an honor for all of us in our company,” Braham said Sunday. “This is something for the community. We’re just blessed to be here.”
Paul DiMeo, one of the show’s designer co-stars, said the Grommeshes’ story is powerful.
“I think the biggest part of this build is the story, telling the Grommeshes’ story,” DiMeo said. “Telling the story of how a kid, though he’s bound to a wheelchair, his spirit soars, and I think that’s a story that’s gonna make other kids see, to realize, ‘We can push through.’ ”
“Even though we’re within the bounds of this wheelchair, there’s still a world out there to be explored,” DiMeo said.
Jeff Slaby lives just to the north of the Grommeshes across 22nd Avenue South.
“They’re really a great family. They’re a tightknit family. They’ve got a lot of challenges of their own, but they’re out in the community helping everybody out. They’re working with other handicapped youth to try to provide them with athletic experiences they normally wouldn’t get. They’re constantly giving back. It’s great to see them getting something for themselves because they’re so giving,” Slaby said.
At one point, Ty Pennington zipped by some of the crowd, perched on a four-wheeler talking on a cell phone and waving as a cheer rose up from onlookers.
“It’s in good hands,” Braham told Adair Grommesh. “You’re going to have a whole new life when you come back.”
Kara Lee, 12, is on Peighton’s volleyball team.
“(She’s) really excited,” Kara said of her friend before remarking on the frenzy brought on by a touch of Hollywood.
“It’s kind of overwhelming. I just didn’t imagine it would be all this work,” Lee said.
“I’m so happy for her (Peighton). Her family does deserve it,” added Savannah Tenderholt, who played softball with her.
Volunteering for the show was relatively easy Sunday.
When volunteers were needed for a shot of the family entering a limousine, “Extreme Makeover” crew members walked up to spectators with a stack of blue shirts, asking for 18 people over the age of 18 to step out of the crowd and step in front of the camera.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Please take a look....A way to help Corb and/or others
Dear Family and Friends,
Please check out Corbin's page on the Children's Brain Injury Association website.
I’m honored to know the Founder/President.
Donna is an amazing wonderful woman that has started this Association; the mission is to help raise awareness about Brain Injury.
There are many different types and causes for a Brain Injury to accrue…. Seizures, Near Choking, Near Hanging, Near Drowning, Allergic Reaction, Traumatic Injury to the Head, Complications at Birth, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Chromosome Disorders and the list goes on.
The Association has also been started to help raise funds, so brain injured children can get things they may need, that insurance does not cover.
An example....For Corbin a DynaVox EyeMax communication system would greatly improve the quality of his life. Our insurance does pay for these but ONLY with very detailed paperwork, from a “therapist” and as many of you know, Corbin does not have a therapist, due to paperwork issues. So we are hopeful that the Association will be able to help.
The Children's Brain Injury Association is just in the beginning stages but I know it will be something huge one day, and I’m glad to be a part of it.
THANK YOU Donna for starting this Association, it’s a great way to share with the world that our kids matter!!!!
Donations can be made to the Association or directly to the account of the child, of your choice.
Caradie (Corbin’s Momma)
Please check out Corbin's page on the Children's Brain Injury Association website.
I’m honored to know the Founder/President.
Donna is an amazing wonderful woman that has started this Association; the mission is to help raise awareness about Brain Injury.
There are many different types and causes for a Brain Injury to accrue…. Seizures, Near Choking, Near Hanging, Near Drowning, Allergic Reaction, Traumatic Injury to the Head, Complications at Birth, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Chromosome Disorders and the list goes on.
The Association has also been started to help raise funds, so brain injured children can get things they may need, that insurance does not cover.
An example....For Corbin a DynaVox EyeMax communication system would greatly improve the quality of his life. Our insurance does pay for these but ONLY with very detailed paperwork, from a “therapist” and as many of you know, Corbin does not have a therapist, due to paperwork issues. So we are hopeful that the Association will be able to help.
The Children's Brain Injury Association is just in the beginning stages but I know it will be something huge one day, and I’m glad to be a part of it.
THANK YOU Donna for starting this Association, it’s a great way to share with the world that our kids matter!!!!
Donations can be made to the Association or directly to the account of the child, of your choice.
Caradie (Corbin’s Momma)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Incredible day!!!!
My mother, myself, the Brothers and Corb went to Wal-Mart (yes I know….again, it’s the third time just this week lol) Grammy helped us out by getting the Brothers some school supplies. The first two trips to Wal-Mart were horrible, Corb was totally freaking out, I got some of it on Video
Today he did awesome!!! He was able to sit still and he was even able to lean forward off the head rest and he could hold his own head for many seconds at a time (even while moving, wow lil buddy). Sometimes he could bring his head forward again all on his own, the times he couldn’t all I had to do is just bump the back of his head a little bit and he took over.
There’s more….We ran into Bill’s Grandma and Aunt, we haven’t seen them in years. It was great talking to them (Love you Grandma Gail and Jill, tell everyone Hi for us). They both follow Corb’s FaceBook, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I sure love sharing my poopie bear with all of you!!!
There’s more….While walking by this cute little kid in a cart, says hi to Corb. So I stopped and turned Corb around so he could say (smile) hi back. I find out the little boy is only just going into kindergarten. He was so smart and sweet, he asked a millions questions lol, the one that stuck with me is….why is he in a wheelchair? I say, because his brain doesn’t know how to let him walk, the little boy goes on, well….maybe when he’s “yours” age maybe then his brain will let him walk and he won’t need that wheelchair "no mores". I’m always so impressed with the little kids who aren’t afraid to talk to him even though he’s “different”
There’s more….I ran into my cousin (Hi Liz). We had a nice little chat while trying to find my Mother and the Brothers, so she could say hi to them too. Me and Corb have this little games when we can’t find who we are with, I whisper to him, (example) Grandma Brothers where are yooooou….once he starts giggling, I say it louder and louder and he gets louder and louder until he’s belly laughing. He’s a goof!
There’s more….My mother invited us out for lunch, we went to Julie’s restaurant, which happened to be on the news tonight and the waitress who did the interview for the news, was the one who delivered us some shocking news. She comes to the table to give us our pop and says you do NOT need to worry about the check, someone paid for the whole thing for you. WOW!!!! I couldn’t stop crying (teary now too). Austin said mom it’s ok, they just love us. Something as simple as someone stopping me so they can say Hi to Corb, means the world to me. And then some people go way over and beyond your wildest dreams….it’s just so amazing to have strangers care about you. THANK YOU!!! Who ever you are.
There’s more….it’s the most incredible part of this incredible day!!!!!!!!!! Corb rolled from his tummy to his back 3 times (I got the 2nd time on video). He hasn’t ever been able to do this on the flat ground….EVER!!!!
One more Video
Today he did awesome!!! He was able to sit still and he was even able to lean forward off the head rest and he could hold his own head for many seconds at a time (even while moving, wow lil buddy). Sometimes he could bring his head forward again all on his own, the times he couldn’t all I had to do is just bump the back of his head a little bit and he took over.
There’s more….We ran into Bill’s Grandma and Aunt, we haven’t seen them in years. It was great talking to them (Love you Grandma Gail and Jill, tell everyone Hi for us). They both follow Corb’s FaceBook, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I sure love sharing my poopie bear with all of you!!!
There’s more….While walking by this cute little kid in a cart, says hi to Corb. So I stopped and turned Corb around so he could say (smile) hi back. I find out the little boy is only just going into kindergarten. He was so smart and sweet, he asked a millions questions lol, the one that stuck with me is….why is he in a wheelchair? I say, because his brain doesn’t know how to let him walk, the little boy goes on, well….maybe when he’s “yours” age maybe then his brain will let him walk and he won’t need that wheelchair "no mores". I’m always so impressed with the little kids who aren’t afraid to talk to him even though he’s “different”
There’s more….I ran into my cousin (Hi Liz). We had a nice little chat while trying to find my Mother and the Brothers, so she could say hi to them too. Me and Corb have this little games when we can’t find who we are with, I whisper to him, (example) Grandma Brothers where are yooooou….once he starts giggling, I say it louder and louder and he gets louder and louder until he’s belly laughing. He’s a goof!
There’s more….My mother invited us out for lunch, we went to Julie’s restaurant, which happened to be on the news tonight and the waitress who did the interview for the news, was the one who delivered us some shocking news. She comes to the table to give us our pop and says you do NOT need to worry about the check, someone paid for the whole thing for you. WOW!!!! I couldn’t stop crying (teary now too). Austin said mom it’s ok, they just love us. Something as simple as someone stopping me so they can say Hi to Corb, means the world to me. And then some people go way over and beyond your wildest dreams….it’s just so amazing to have strangers care about you. THANK YOU!!! Who ever you are.
There’s more….it’s the most incredible part of this incredible day!!!!!!!!!! Corb rolled from his tummy to his back 3 times (I got the 2nd time on video). He hasn’t ever been able to do this on the flat ground….EVER!!!!
One more Video
Thursday, August 5, 2010
8-1 Mouth thing-got the camera at OneTrueMedia.com
If anyone has any suggestions on why he does this and/or how to stop it? PLEASE let me know.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Massage therapy
Corb's waiver finally came threw, he starts massage therapy this after noon. WoooHoooo!!! He's approved for 2 hours 2x a week but we are just slitting up the time so it can be 3x a week. Monday & Wednesday are 45 mins and Thursday is 30 mins, that one's late in the evening.
Corb and I went to meet the therapists the other day, he will have the owner and her nephew. I couldn't believe it Corb liked the guy alot, the lady moves a bit fast, she scares the crap out of him lol, but he'll adjust though, she told me to just keep reminding her lol
I have many many videos and pics I'm trying to catch up on. So they should be up soon.
You know how annoying it is to still be coughing after almost 3 weeks UGH!!!
Corb and I went to meet the therapists the other day, he will have the owner and her nephew. I couldn't believe it Corb liked the guy alot, the lady moves a bit fast, she scares the crap out of him lol, but he'll adjust though, she told me to just keep reminding her lol
I have many many videos and pics I'm trying to catch up on. So they should be up soon.
You know how annoying it is to still be coughing after almost 3 weeks UGH!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Mayo call
Mayo doc just called. All the blood tests were perfect. His stool sample showed no white blood cells the first time they tested it but the second time did. So he does have Colitis, he’s going on an antibiotic. We do that for two weeks and go from there but……he has already started to feel better so I’m not sure we will see any difference :-( but I’m totally willing to try anything.
She was so sweet. She said sorry we came all that way and she was out of the office making it so we had loose ends. She also said if the antibiotics aren’t the answer she will help me figure out away to go back down there.
I feel some better. Bummed about the Nissen though, his reflux has been bad. For right now the doc said lets just worry about the colen first and we will just treat the acid and thankfully he’s on Prevacid already.
She was so sweet. She said sorry we came all that way and she was out of the office making it so we had loose ends. She also said if the antibiotics aren’t the answer she will help me figure out away to go back down there.
I feel some better. Bummed about the Nissen though, his reflux has been bad. For right now the doc said lets just worry about the colen first and we will just treat the acid and thankfully he’s on Prevacid already.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Mayo trip :-(
I would love to report that things went well on our trip to Mayo but unfortunately I really can’t.
6:30am Monday morning the driver picked up, myself, Corb and Austin (I let Austin come since it was his last week of school anyway). The trip is no more then 3hours and 30min to get there and that’s on yahoo maps, they are always about 30mins to long, well…..he took the wrong way and we were almost an hour late.
Since we were so late they had to change the appointment to 1:30. We decided to have the driver bring us to the motel to check in. While driving, we all seen and talked about the burger king up a few blocks. We checked in, got all our bags in the room and got back in the van, the driver started going towards the road away from burger king and I said hey isn’t there a back road, he just kept driving. Austin says aren’t we going to burger king, he rudely says I don’t think so, Austin says any chance we can; he says you know I don’t get paid for this (which he does). OK so…..we just went with the flow. He does turn around, we dropped Austin off to run in for me and him and the driver orders his in the drive thru. The car in front of us was taking forever, you could hear in his voice he was getting more and more upset and when we got to the window, the lady took quite sometime and he just starts bit$$ing, I can’t believe this there’s only one woman working. All the longer it took, all the madder he got. We pull up to get Austin and he just wasn’t coming so I went inside to see what was going on, there were about 5 people waiting and really only one woman taking orders and bagging. I get back out to the van and I say he’s almost done and yes there is only one woman. You could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. He drops us off at Mayo and Austin tells me he was swearing the whole drive, really…..swearing with my 14yr old in the seat next to him. It’s not like I don’t but he’s my kid lol
We get up to our appointment and the doc was still in her meeting so her assistant started taking the information down. They both came back in, I explained everything, I thought. The doc orders blood work, a stool sample and an upper GI and says to bad I’ll be out of the office the rest of the week. Really….ok so a 4hour drive for our doc to not even be in the office to finish our appointment time. They said expect 3-4days.
Anyway after the appt, we went to the lab, Corb was a trooper he didn’t even cry. While checking out we find out that the lab for the stool sample was at 7:45 am the next morn (Tue) the very nice check out girl told me to just go to the big lab and grab a stool sample kit for “tonight” The sample has to be given back within 30mins. He actually goes in the morning shhh. We’re getting ready to call for a shuttle and we find out that the motels shuttle is broke down and there isn’t a handicapped one available. Now I’m getting nervous but Austin my hero figured out, that one of the vans had a big enough back to put the wheelchair in but that meant that Corb would have to just sit in a seat without a carseat, not so happy about that but we just wanted to get back to the motel. The normal van for the motel also was not handicapped accessible, the whole time I had to just strap him in a seat UGH!!! When we checked in, since I had Austin with, the lady says (which was hard to understand) you want two beds, sure sounds good to me. After the appointment when we got back to the motel Austin sees a sign that says 39.99 for a room. I was quoted 45.00 and that’s with the Mayo discount, so Austin goes down and asks why ours was 45.00 and she says oh no yours is 55.00 Austin explains all this time me, ok………my turn to go talk to the lady, she explains oh you have two beds WHAT!!!! She didn’t happen to say that it’s 10.00 more a night with two beds. Really PI$$ED off now!! Thinking we likely wouldn’t have stay Wed night anyway, so I wasn’t too worried “yet”.
On Tue, since we grabbed the stool sample kit we didn’t have any appointments but….we decided to just go hang out at the clinic and have Corb go poo there because of it having to be within the 30 mins, who knows with the shuttle issues, how long it would take to get it back. I gave Corb his poo med and we walked around, laid around.
and nothing, I mean nothing, so at about 3pm we go back to the motel and our shuttle drive Adam (THANK YOU) told me to just call him at his personal number and he would make sure I got there within the 30 mins. Around 4pm I knew he had poo’ed so I went to move him and totally forget he was hooked up to the feeding pump. I pulled the fully inflated balloon right out of his little belly. Totally Freaking now!!! I didn’t bring a g-tube kit, didn’t have a clue were a hospital was and really didn’t have a way to get to the there anyway so I improvised, I used one of the ends of the extension tube, pushed it into the water port and held it there as tight as I could and Austin took a syringe and sucked the water out of the balloon. I got it back in and we were able to refill the balloon the same way. I’m really crying by this point and then I find out he didn’t go very much and Adam only worked until 5:30, thankfully around 5pm he went some, still very little, but I took what I could. We called Adam and we made it in time. I had Austin just stay with boo at the motel so I didn’t have to get him in and out again, (well needless to say I got so lost trying to get out of that building ha ha ha Austin is like a human map.) I called the transport company but of course my luck they didn’t have any handicapped accessible vans available until Thu. Now I really can’t stop crying. I hurt the baby, the doc wasn’t there, I had no way to get home and not enough money for the motel another night. I call hubby and he’s being a pain in the butt. He didn’t think I really needed to take this trip, so he wanted no part of helping pay for it. So after hanging up on him, calming down and when I finally answered his call, he said fine I will pay for the first two night and you just pay for the other one, what SIGH of relief!!! Late that evening we meet two sisters in the hallway of the motel; we sat and talked for a very long time. The one lady goes to the sister, go get me my check book, Corbin needs something, she hands him money and says take momma and brother out for lunch.
On Wed was the Upper GI. Still not sure why?? I’m concerned about the other end but anyway they do the x-ray thingy and find out that Corb’s nissen has loosened. That’s why he has been “able” to throw up lately BUT it doesn’t explain “why” he’s been throwing up, in terrible pain and having crazy poo (this is going to be GROSS) I have been taking picture of his poo since about May 24th and I have been documenting everything. (This tummy episode has been a rollercoaster ride since May 3rd) After the x-ray we walked to their “down town” area and took pics and had subway for lunch, Corb was totally digging the sauce from my meatball sub, then back at the motel, I’m still having a hard time with the fact that the doc wasn’t going to be there so I called the nurses station in that department and asked isn’t there anyway to have a different doc, I came from 4hours away and I don’t even understand why he had an upper GI. She said it’s a starting point (I understand, kinda) and because the doc wasn’t there, nothing had been read yet (well duh), then she says some of the blood tests didn’t work so I needed to bring him back in. (When would I have found that out if I hadn’t called them) While getting ready to go, she calls back and says one of the other doc’s said lets do a tummy x-ray tomorrow. We go all the way back to the clinic give blood and at this point it’s going onto 4pm and Corb hasn’t had a nap in three days. Austin and I did everything to try to keep him awake but he was out! While standing waiting for the shuttle we meet a nice couple, they offered us some pops and back at the motel they gave Austin a bunch (THANK YOU). Corb slept threw the van ride, bringing him into the motel and changing his diaper without one flinch (poor buddy) That nurse calls back and says the doc didn’t think about it but because Corb had barium an x-ray wouldn’t read right. Corb slept straight threw until 3am
Thu since I was awake at 3am (my little stinker), I packed some and then I took a little nap until 7am. The driver called and asked if we wanted to leave earlier, I wanted to stay every second I paid for lol But I did have him come a little earlier tho, so wanted to go home. While Austin was getting breakfast he seen the sisters again and they told him, here’s a little something for being a good big brother. I ran down to say goodbye too and the one lady starts crying, she was so happy to have met us **blushing** I will never forget them that’s for sure. THANK YOU LADIES it was a pleasure to have meet you both. On the way home we had a wonderful driver (Thank you), we will call and ask for him from now on, when we need to go out of town. Sadly Corb had a real bad freakout!!!
I had to take him out of his wheelchair and hold him. He just wouldn’t calm down. He was doing his normal, cramp position, bright red face, very grumpy and you could see the pain in his face. I hope I do get some answers…..he don’t deserve this.
6:30am Monday morning the driver picked up, myself, Corb and Austin (I let Austin come since it was his last week of school anyway). The trip is no more then 3hours and 30min to get there and that’s on yahoo maps, they are always about 30mins to long, well…..he took the wrong way and we were almost an hour late.
Since we were so late they had to change the appointment to 1:30. We decided to have the driver bring us to the motel to check in. While driving, we all seen and talked about the burger king up a few blocks. We checked in, got all our bags in the room and got back in the van, the driver started going towards the road away from burger king and I said hey isn’t there a back road, he just kept driving. Austin says aren’t we going to burger king, he rudely says I don’t think so, Austin says any chance we can; he says you know I don’t get paid for this (which he does). OK so…..we just went with the flow. He does turn around, we dropped Austin off to run in for me and him and the driver orders his in the drive thru. The car in front of us was taking forever, you could hear in his voice he was getting more and more upset and when we got to the window, the lady took quite sometime and he just starts bit$$ing, I can’t believe this there’s only one woman working. All the longer it took, all the madder he got. We pull up to get Austin and he just wasn’t coming so I went inside to see what was going on, there were about 5 people waiting and really only one woman taking orders and bagging. I get back out to the van and I say he’s almost done and yes there is only one woman. You could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. He drops us off at Mayo and Austin tells me he was swearing the whole drive, really…..swearing with my 14yr old in the seat next to him. It’s not like I don’t but he’s my kid lol
We get up to our appointment and the doc was still in her meeting so her assistant started taking the information down. They both came back in, I explained everything, I thought. The doc orders blood work, a stool sample and an upper GI and says to bad I’ll be out of the office the rest of the week. Really….ok so a 4hour drive for our doc to not even be in the office to finish our appointment time. They said expect 3-4days.
Anyway after the appt, we went to the lab, Corb was a trooper he didn’t even cry. While checking out we find out that the lab for the stool sample was at 7:45 am the next morn (Tue) the very nice check out girl told me to just go to the big lab and grab a stool sample kit for “tonight” The sample has to be given back within 30mins. He actually goes in the morning shhh. We’re getting ready to call for a shuttle and we find out that the motels shuttle is broke down and there isn’t a handicapped one available. Now I’m getting nervous but Austin my hero figured out, that one of the vans had a big enough back to put the wheelchair in but that meant that Corb would have to just sit in a seat without a carseat, not so happy about that but we just wanted to get back to the motel. The normal van for the motel also was not handicapped accessible, the whole time I had to just strap him in a seat UGH!!! When we checked in, since I had Austin with, the lady says (which was hard to understand) you want two beds, sure sounds good to me. After the appointment when we got back to the motel Austin sees a sign that says 39.99 for a room. I was quoted 45.00 and that’s with the Mayo discount, so Austin goes down and asks why ours was 45.00 and she says oh no yours is 55.00 Austin explains all this time me, ok………my turn to go talk to the lady, she explains oh you have two beds WHAT!!!! She didn’t happen to say that it’s 10.00 more a night with two beds. Really PI$$ED off now!! Thinking we likely wouldn’t have stay Wed night anyway, so I wasn’t too worried “yet”.
On Tue, since we grabbed the stool sample kit we didn’t have any appointments but….we decided to just go hang out at the clinic and have Corb go poo there because of it having to be within the 30 mins, who knows with the shuttle issues, how long it would take to get it back. I gave Corb his poo med and we walked around, laid around.
and nothing, I mean nothing, so at about 3pm we go back to the motel and our shuttle drive Adam (THANK YOU) told me to just call him at his personal number and he would make sure I got there within the 30 mins. Around 4pm I knew he had poo’ed so I went to move him and totally forget he was hooked up to the feeding pump. I pulled the fully inflated balloon right out of his little belly. Totally Freaking now!!! I didn’t bring a g-tube kit, didn’t have a clue were a hospital was and really didn’t have a way to get to the there anyway so I improvised, I used one of the ends of the extension tube, pushed it into the water port and held it there as tight as I could and Austin took a syringe and sucked the water out of the balloon. I got it back in and we were able to refill the balloon the same way. I’m really crying by this point and then I find out he didn’t go very much and Adam only worked until 5:30, thankfully around 5pm he went some, still very little, but I took what I could. We called Adam and we made it in time. I had Austin just stay with boo at the motel so I didn’t have to get him in and out again, (well needless to say I got so lost trying to get out of that building ha ha ha Austin is like a human map.) I called the transport company but of course my luck they didn’t have any handicapped accessible vans available until Thu. Now I really can’t stop crying. I hurt the baby, the doc wasn’t there, I had no way to get home and not enough money for the motel another night. I call hubby and he’s being a pain in the butt. He didn’t think I really needed to take this trip, so he wanted no part of helping pay for it. So after hanging up on him, calming down and when I finally answered his call, he said fine I will pay for the first two night and you just pay for the other one, what SIGH of relief!!! Late that evening we meet two sisters in the hallway of the motel; we sat and talked for a very long time. The one lady goes to the sister, go get me my check book, Corbin needs something, she hands him money and says take momma and brother out for lunch.
On Wed was the Upper GI. Still not sure why?? I’m concerned about the other end but anyway they do the x-ray thingy and find out that Corb’s nissen has loosened. That’s why he has been “able” to throw up lately BUT it doesn’t explain “why” he’s been throwing up, in terrible pain and having crazy poo (this is going to be GROSS) I have been taking picture of his poo since about May 24th and I have been documenting everything. (This tummy episode has been a rollercoaster ride since May 3rd) After the x-ray we walked to their “down town” area and took pics and had subway for lunch, Corb was totally digging the sauce from my meatball sub, then back at the motel, I’m still having a hard time with the fact that the doc wasn’t going to be there so I called the nurses station in that department and asked isn’t there anyway to have a different doc, I came from 4hours away and I don’t even understand why he had an upper GI. She said it’s a starting point (I understand, kinda) and because the doc wasn’t there, nothing had been read yet (well duh), then she says some of the blood tests didn’t work so I needed to bring him back in. (When would I have found that out if I hadn’t called them) While getting ready to go, she calls back and says one of the other doc’s said lets do a tummy x-ray tomorrow. We go all the way back to the clinic give blood and at this point it’s going onto 4pm and Corb hasn’t had a nap in three days. Austin and I did everything to try to keep him awake but he was out! While standing waiting for the shuttle we meet a nice couple, they offered us some pops and back at the motel they gave Austin a bunch (THANK YOU). Corb slept threw the van ride, bringing him into the motel and changing his diaper without one flinch (poor buddy) That nurse calls back and says the doc didn’t think about it but because Corb had barium an x-ray wouldn’t read right. Corb slept straight threw until 3am
Thu since I was awake at 3am (my little stinker), I packed some and then I took a little nap until 7am. The driver called and asked if we wanted to leave earlier, I wanted to stay every second I paid for lol But I did have him come a little earlier tho, so wanted to go home. While Austin was getting breakfast he seen the sisters again and they told him, here’s a little something for being a good big brother. I ran down to say goodbye too and the one lady starts crying, she was so happy to have met us **blushing** I will never forget them that’s for sure. THANK YOU LADIES it was a pleasure to have meet you both. On the way home we had a wonderful driver (Thank you), we will call and ask for him from now on, when we need to go out of town. Sadly Corb had a real bad freakout!!!
I had to take him out of his wheelchair and hold him. He just wouldn’t calm down. He was doing his normal, cramp position, bright red face, very grumpy and you could see the pain in his face. I hope I do get some answers…..he don’t deserve this.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
One pic for now
Monday, May 24, 2010
I learned something VERY disturbing this weekend.
I noticed on Noah’s arm there were little bruises all over, I asked him who did that (thinking it was Austin) its two kids at school. I asked all the questions like are they friends playing, NO they are both just the mean kids I asked how long that has been happening “pretty much all year he says” I started just bawling. My poor Noah, he has a hard time with school anyway and now I know why it’s as bad as it is.
Dad called school this morning and talked to the officer, we’re waiting to hear.
I noticed on Noah’s arm there were little bruises all over, I asked him who did that (thinking it was Austin) its two kids at school. I asked all the questions like are they friends playing, NO they are both just the mean kids I asked how long that has been happening “pretty much all year he says” I started just bawling. My poor Noah, he has a hard time with school anyway and now I know why it’s as bad as it is.
Dad called school this morning and talked to the officer, we’re waiting to hear.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Super Trooper
Corb did amazing today swimming with Jason (OT) Normally he's very nervous, his little face, chest and even his little knee caps get red and he holds himself in this I'm scared out of my mind position. Today there wasn't any holding himself, none at all!!! And only when we were getting ready to go into the shower/locker room after the swimming, he got one little red spot on one cheek. I'm so proud of my little buddy.
Even when he don't feel well he's still a trooper. Well accept for walking, just because we have a trial walker, he don't wanna try. Sarah told him this morning if you walk I'll turn on Maggie and the Ferocious Beast and well he did a few steps lol only the bare minimum though lol
I'm very excited we figured out a way to get my computer downstairs, we're going to just hook it up onto the TV in the living room. Yeah me!!!
I have a video of today's swimming but I have to wait to get the computer switched around.
Even when he don't feel well he's still a trooper. Well accept for walking, just because we have a trial walker, he don't wanna try. Sarah told him this morning if you walk I'll turn on Maggie and the Ferocious Beast and well he did a few steps lol only the bare minimum though lol
I'm very excited we figured out a way to get my computer downstairs, we're going to just hook it up onto the TV in the living room. Yeah me!!!
I have a video of today's swimming but I have to wait to get the computer switched around.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mayo clinic
Well I called the GI doc's nurse to double check that, that's what he said "Colitis"
When the nurse called back she said, he said......I explained this all to her (me) yesterday (even she sounded rude the way she said it) it's Viral Colitis and there's no recommended treatment.
Time for a second option....while researching I came across The Mayo clinic ranked #1 in digestive health. Check out this info too....Overview and Treatment of Children
OK so first of all he's never been tested for Colitis and the nurse at Mayo never heard of Viral Colitis. So on June 7th we are headed to Rochester, Minnesota 3 1/2 hours away. Where he will be tested and we'll get a real FOR SURE diagnosis. The nurse said be prepared to stay around for a 3-4 days. It'll be out-patient so I have to come up with motel money but for Pook I'll do anything so I will find it :-)
I can NOT sit here and watch him suffer like this....over and over and over!!! Just not going to do it!!!
When the nurse called back she said, he said......I explained this all to her (me) yesterday (even she sounded rude the way she said it) it's Viral Colitis and there's no recommended treatment.
Time for a second option....while researching I came across The Mayo clinic ranked #1 in digestive health. Check out this info too....Overview and Treatment of Children
OK so first of all he's never been tested for Colitis and the nurse at Mayo never heard of Viral Colitis. So on June 7th we are headed to Rochester, Minnesota 3 1/2 hours away. Where he will be tested and we'll get a real FOR SURE diagnosis. The nurse said be prepared to stay around for a 3-4 days. It'll be out-patient so I have to come up with motel money but for Pook I'll do anything so I will find it :-)
I can NOT sit here and watch him suffer like this....over and over and over!!! Just not going to do it!!!
5 years later
It's crazy how broken my heart still is about Corb's accident. Corbin's progress makes it worth it but........
May 22 2005 was the worst day of my life but it also was the happiest day ever!!! I'm so happy I got to keep my baby.
I can't stop crying UGH!!!
We usually have a party on his anniversary (his re-birthday) We can't afford it this year but we are going to hang out as a family, daddy even took the day off. We got a gift certificate at Christmas for the movies so if the theater isn't to crazy (it'll be Corb's first movie) we're going to go to Shrek the third
May 22 2005 was the worst day of my life but it also was the happiest day ever!!! I'm so happy I got to keep my baby.
I can't stop crying UGH!!!
We usually have a party on his anniversary (his re-birthday) We can't afford it this year but we are going to hang out as a family, daddy even took the day off. We got a gift certificate at Christmas for the movies so if the theater isn't to crazy (it'll be Corb's first movie) we're going to go to Shrek the third
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
While talking to the GI doc this evening, threw his thick accent I think he said "Colitis" I never heard him say that before, mind you Corb has never been tested for that either. I researched it, needless to say we will be heading to the cities, someone will listen there.
Here's the definition of Colitis.....this phrase is in: Treatment Severe colitis can be life-threatening and may require surgery. REALLY.........and I'm to just deal with it here at home.
Corb also had a low grade fever right before bed. SOOOOO frustrated!!!!!
Here's the definition of Colitis.....this phrase is in: Treatment Severe colitis can be life-threatening and may require surgery. REALLY.........and I'm to just deal with it here at home.
Corb also had a low grade fever right before bed. SOOOOO frustrated!!!!!
Upto 6 months
REALLY....OMG!!!! The GI doc called he said it can take up to 6 months to recover from a virus. I'm calling the cities right now.
Just deal with it.....
OMGoodness I'm so frustrated!!!!!
Corb started throwing up again so this time I ran him to the ER, where he threw up 2 more time. That doc was great but of course has no clue what's wrong but he did say he don't agree with what the GI had told me about Corb's tummy episodes. The GI said it must be viral and to just deal with it when it happens. This one has been 2 1/2 WEEKS no one has a virus for 2 weeks and only vomits once and a while and has a freaken cramp in his side and the poo WOW so much poo UGH!!!!! The same GI doc I guess is going to call me today but other wise we will be off to the cities. Yeah we can afford that ugh!!!
Just deal with it I swear if I hear that one more time!!!!!!!!!
Corb started throwing up again so this time I ran him to the ER, where he threw up 2 more time. That doc was great but of course has no clue what's wrong but he did say he don't agree with what the GI had told me about Corb's tummy episodes. The GI said it must be viral and to just deal with it when it happens. This one has been 2 1/2 WEEKS no one has a virus for 2 weeks and only vomits once and a while and has a freaken cramp in his side and the poo WOW so much poo UGH!!!!! The same GI doc I guess is going to call me today but other wise we will be off to the cities. Yeah we can afford that ugh!!!
Just deal with it I swear if I hear that one more time!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
VIDEOS oh yeah venting too
I figured out how "One True Media" actually works lol and we have a share page....here's all his Videos.
I need to contact "DropShots" I so like it better there. It's so much easier to upload there and to leave a comment there it's so simple, you just type in the little box lol. On One True Media there is a way to comment but I'm not even sure how lol
I will never stop fighting for my baby's "rights" to have THERAPY (not a home program) real therapy from real trained professional therapists.
About once a week I call the state's Member Services to check on the therapy PAs (prior authorizations). It was time to call on Friday and I just happened to get a very nice girl, she listened to the story about why I was calling her, asking about the PA in the first place. I explained that my son hasn't had therapy since he was 3yrs old and the only hold up has been the paperwork mix ups, the wrong wording, the wrong coding, blah blah blah. Well.........she has a friend in Provider Services. So.....on Monday I get a call from my girl (from Member Services) she had called her girl (in Provider Services), who then in turn called the therapy center girl (the PA processor) and explained VERY CAREFULLY how to fix the ST paperwork, so HOPEFULLY it will go threw again soon but of course again soon..the PT and OT sessions will be running out of time. So the therapists will again, have to write up all new PAs asking for more time. I also explained that to my girl (Member Services) too, she was just so shocked, she just couldn't understand why this was happening because he needs life long therapy UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I asked her, couldn't the therapists just ask for, like a year instead of weeks and she suggested to have a doc write out a script for a full 6month - 12months and hopefully the PA paperwork will be processed correctly from now on :-p Sooooo.....it shouldn't be that hard to get.
Screwing with the wrong mom........I tell ya!!!!
It would be different if we knew he wouldn't ever progress but he's NEVER had the chance to try (I know, I know except for with me LOL). He WILL show us, who he really is!!!!
Got the x-ray this evening, (the tech just let me look lol) he has tons of gas and some poo. He went twice before the x-ray and then again once after sooooo I'm hoping that is that....he just needs to poo more. Keep you fingers crossed. Getting these crampy tummy aches take about 4 days to recover from :-( we only have so many therapy sessions left :-(
Corb's the man, he's my little dude :-D
Caradie and Corbin
Don't forget FaceBook us: Caradie AndCorbin
I need to contact "DropShots" I so like it better there. It's so much easier to upload there and to leave a comment there it's so simple, you just type in the little box lol. On One True Media there is a way to comment but I'm not even sure how lol
I will never stop fighting for my baby's "rights" to have THERAPY (not a home program) real therapy from real trained professional therapists.
About once a week I call the state's Member Services to check on the therapy PAs (prior authorizations). It was time to call on Friday and I just happened to get a very nice girl, she listened to the story about why I was calling her, asking about the PA in the first place. I explained that my son hasn't had therapy since he was 3yrs old and the only hold up has been the paperwork mix ups, the wrong wording, the wrong coding, blah blah blah. Well.........she has a friend in Provider Services. So.....on Monday I get a call from my girl (from Member Services) she had called her girl (in Provider Services), who then in turn called the therapy center girl (the PA processor) and explained VERY CAREFULLY how to fix the ST paperwork, so HOPEFULLY it will go threw again soon but of course again soon..the PT and OT sessions will be running out of time. So the therapists will again, have to write up all new PAs asking for more time. I also explained that to my girl (Member Services) too, she was just so shocked, she just couldn't understand why this was happening because he needs life long therapy UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I asked her, couldn't the therapists just ask for, like a year instead of weeks and she suggested to have a doc write out a script for a full 6month - 12months and hopefully the PA paperwork will be processed correctly from now on :-p Sooooo.....it shouldn't be that hard to get.
Screwing with the wrong mom........I tell ya!!!!
It would be different if we knew he wouldn't ever progress but he's NEVER had the chance to try (I know, I know except for with me LOL). He WILL show us, who he really is!!!!
Got the x-ray this evening, (the tech just let me look lol) he has tons of gas and some poo. He went twice before the x-ray and then again once after sooooo I'm hoping that is that....he just needs to poo more. Keep you fingers crossed. Getting these crampy tummy aches take about 4 days to recover from :-( we only have so many therapy sessions left :-(
Corb's the man, he's my little dude :-D
Caradie and Corbin
Don't forget FaceBook us: Caradie AndCorbin
Tummy issues
Corb was throwing up yesterday morning, I called his doc asking if she would order an x-ray to see if there was a lot of poo, or none and of course the one time I really want her to do what I ask lol she says lets wait until tomorrow....ugh Well it's tomorrow and now he's holding himself in his cramp position and his little face keeps getting red....I wanted (it's still is early but yesterday would have been nice) to catching the cramp at the beginning stages so I can finally figure out, if maybe he just really don't need to go more or I do need to give him extra potty meds......instead of guessing!!! Because if he don't have to go poo, the potty meds can cause cramps. I HAVE TO know now......I'm sick of this happening to him every month'ish.
I just got off the phone she's ordering the x-ray now.....It might not get read until tomorrow though NICE....POOR KID!!!!
I just got off the phone she's ordering the x-ray now.....It might not get read until tomorrow though NICE....POOR KID!!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I didn't know.....
This link will get you to all of Corb's videos....
Friday, April 30, 2010
Lack of updates but not of videos LOL
Each video is on it's own post so the last 4 posts are new sorry I know that's kinda annoying but I just don't wanna sit here to figure it out lol Hope you all are enjoying watching Pook's hard work.
I sure do love him and am SOOOOOO proud!!!!
Everyone feel free to friend request me on FaceBook but please let me know how you know of us. Got some crabby people out there don't wanna let them in :-P
Caradie and Corbin
I sure do love him and am SOOOOOO proud!!!!
Everyone feel free to friend request me on FaceBook but please let me know how you know of us. Got some crabby people out there don't wanna let them in :-P
Caradie and Corbin
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Working on it
I didn't realize I had so many videos to go threw again lol I'm almost caught up.
Each time I upload a video, it goes onto it's own new post. So you will have to look back quite a few to see them all. Sorry that's a pain but I'm amazed I even figured that much out lol
Caradie and Corbin
Each time I upload a video, it goes onto it's own new post. So you will have to look back quite a few to see them all. Sorry that's a pain but I'm amazed I even figured that much out lol
Caradie and Corbin
Ever been so happy.....
you thought you'd explode????? After a 3yr battle with the state's Medical Assistance program, I finally got physical therapy APPROVED. And they re-approved occupational therapy (see you soon Jason), Speech (of course) needed more information but it's an easy fix.
I'm so happy!!!! I can't stop crying lol
OUR little buddy is going to show everyone who he's made of!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone for believing in him enough to keep coming back.
Caradie and Corbin
I'm so happy!!!! I can't stop crying lol
OUR little buddy is going to show everyone who he's made of!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone for believing in him enough to keep coming back.
Caradie and Corbin
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Mostly back to him self
Corb got up at 5:30, let me sleep until 6:00, that's when I couldn't sleep anymore because he wouldn't stop talking lol he loves Blue's clues (except mailbox). He's been super hyper too. YEAH my kid is back, he's so much fun when he's not feeling yucky.
We're hoping we get to go for a walk today.
Caradie and Corbin
We're hoping we get to go for a walk today.
Caradie and Corbin
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I hate computers lol
I'm still working on getting the videos up. I still can't get dropshots to upload my stuff so I will have to do them on one true media again, which is very time consuming when your computer doesn't want to even run half the time lol.
Corb isn't feeling well, not sure if it's the strep or the Zertec though. Can't remember if I updated about this but Corb always has a stuffy nose and finally we got an answer why....his adenoids are swollen, the ENT wants to try an
antihistamine first but other wise Corb's having another surgery :-( SUCKS but....so does a stupid stuffy nose every moment of every day. UGH!!! He's such a trooper even when he can't hardly keep his eyes open.
Caradie and Corbin
I'm still working on getting the videos up. I still can't get dropshots to upload my stuff so I will have to do them on one true media again, which is very time consuming when your computer doesn't want to even run half the time lol.
Corb isn't feeling well, not sure if it's the strep or the Zertec though. Can't remember if I updated about this but Corb always has a stuffy nose and finally we got an answer why....his adenoids are swollen, the ENT wants to try an
antihistamine first but other wise Corb's having another surgery :-( SUCKS but....so does a stupid stuffy nose every moment of every day. UGH!!! He's such a trooper even when he can't hardly keep his eyes open.
Caradie and Corbin
Thursday, April 1, 2010
OK so yesterday Corb, myself and Jak went over to the neighbor's house, while we were sitting outside a mosquito landed on Corb's forehead well I smacked him (of course just enough to kill it) but the look he gave me was priceless. It was a look like, you have the nerve to smack me mother. I was explaining to him why and he seemed ok but then a few seconds later the booboo lip came out, he would have lost it if I hadn't talked him down LOL
So for those of you who don't know Corb or brain injury in general, him responding like that is huge. He had a feeling and was able to express it. WOW!!!
Another cute "expressing his feelings" story....I have been having him lay down for a nap and well he fake cries. I got it on video. I'm going to work on getting videos up tomorrow and this weekend because Corb's aide (his g/f) is here for the full 7 hours, each of the days. She has every other weekend YEAH me!!! Time to get shi! done. Woo Hoo. We started moving the rooms around and painting a few weeks ago, the house is still trashed lol
I can't wait for summer break!!!! For right now the girls have to have a very weird schedule because they are in school (college, you go girls) too but as soon as we can their going to have a set schedule. They will come at 9am for most of the hours and then some time for evening to help with bed time. I'm so excited!!!
Caradie and Corbin
So for those of you who don't know Corb or brain injury in general, him responding like that is huge. He had a feeling and was able to express it. WOW!!!
Another cute "expressing his feelings" story....I have been having him lay down for a nap and well he fake cries. I got it on video. I'm going to work on getting videos up tomorrow and this weekend because Corb's aide (his g/f) is here for the full 7 hours, each of the days. She has every other weekend YEAH me!!! Time to get shi! done. Woo Hoo. We started moving the rooms around and painting a few weeks ago, the house is still trashed lol
I can't wait for summer break!!!! For right now the girls have to have a very weird schedule because they are in school (college, you go girls) too but as soon as we can their going to have a set schedule. They will come at 9am for most of the hours and then some time for evening to help with bed time. I'm so excited!!!
Caradie and Corbin
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Little update(s)
Fundraiser: Postponed until the Extreme makeover announces who is chosen this time. If it's us, well....we really won't need to have one.
Job: Bill got a temporary full time job with the census. It's been really nice to have a routine of him leaving at 8:15. When daddy is here we don't get as much done.
Therapy: Now Corb has no therapy again!
Colleges: Corb and I do still go to the PT clinic at Lake Superior College and the OT clinic at St. Scholastica. The kids are great but it was really nice having experienced therapists.
Bed: I decided it was time for Corb to have a hospital bed and honestly I didn't ever think MA would approve it but they did but it's HUGE. I'm not totally sure what to do.....
Moving rooms: I moved the couch into Corb's room and moved his bed over so I could add another shelf. Now there's no way that bed will fit in that spot. I'll figure something out but for now I can't even get to the therapy table :-( but I still do exercises with him on his bed.
Stander: Not sure where I'm going to put it lol but we are getting a stander to borrow. It should be in town around the 27th then I can go pick it up.
Potty/shower chair: It's a long story but for the short version, Corb almost never goes potty when he don't have a disposable chuk pad on (it's his blue thing, I put them on him like a diaper) So I got a hold of Kirsten from National seating and mobility she's the WI MA PA guru. She sent me a list of seats that MA has covered in the past. And instead of getting one that might not work, I asked if there was a way to have a trial first and it's so awesome some companies will do that. I really think if we find the right seat that don't scare or hurt him he can learn to potty (poo at least) in a potty chair.
Gait trainer: Kirsten and I are also starting the process of getting a trial of a walker, we just need a therapist. At least we only need a therapist to do an eval, we don't actually have to HAVE a therapist.
Botox: I have spoke with many Doctors about Botoxing Corb's jaw to help with the weird mouth opening problem he has. Dr. Trombino is Corb's normal Botox doc but there is no ENT (ears nose throat) willing to help her so Dr. Murphy (yeah he's back safely from Irac), is having us go to the ENT he uses, for a consult. Then we will all decide together where the Botox will work the best for Corb. I'm excited because we have been talking about also doing the muscles in the back of the neck, the trapezius and the triceps.
PCW's: Things are going so much better since I stopped having the company find me people. I interviewed a girl (Mandy), she went in and got hired, had the training-in day today and she starts next Mon. Sarah and her are working on their schedules together. It's so nice having Sarah back she helps take care of things so I don't have to try to remember everything lol. It's so helpful to have someone that know you and understands you so much that their always one step ahead of you. I hate workers that just stand there until I tell them what to do next UGH!!!
Reaching: OMGoodness Corb loves he's new ability. He touches everything lol. Like tonight he knocked my whole plate of supper on the floor lol
Jak: Things weren't going well with Jak. I even called the shelter to see what to do. He was starting to get a bit aggressive and the play biting was out of control and the damn chasing his tail, you know how annoying that sound is all day long lol. But....the best $32 thing I ever bought in my life has changed things a LOT. It's called a gentle leader, it's the most amazing tool. I will just get a video of it but with it on he behaves instantly.
Anyway this took me two hours, I'm off to bed.
Caradie and Corbin
Job: Bill got a temporary full time job with the census. It's been really nice to have a routine of him leaving at 8:15. When daddy is here we don't get as much done.
Therapy: Now Corb has no therapy again!
Colleges: Corb and I do still go to the PT clinic at Lake Superior College and the OT clinic at St. Scholastica. The kids are great but it was really nice having experienced therapists.
Bed: I decided it was time for Corb to have a hospital bed and honestly I didn't ever think MA would approve it but they did but it's HUGE. I'm not totally sure what to do.....
Moving rooms: I moved the couch into Corb's room and moved his bed over so I could add another shelf. Now there's no way that bed will fit in that spot. I'll figure something out but for now I can't even get to the therapy table :-( but I still do exercises with him on his bed.
Stander: Not sure where I'm going to put it lol but we are getting a stander to borrow. It should be in town around the 27th then I can go pick it up.
Potty/shower chair: It's a long story but for the short version, Corb almost never goes potty when he don't have a disposable chuk pad on (it's his blue thing, I put them on him like a diaper) So I got a hold of Kirsten from National seating and mobility she's the WI MA PA guru. She sent me a list of seats that MA has covered in the past. And instead of getting one that might not work, I asked if there was a way to have a trial first and it's so awesome some companies will do that. I really think if we find the right seat that don't scare or hurt him he can learn to potty (poo at least) in a potty chair.
Gait trainer: Kirsten and I are also starting the process of getting a trial of a walker, we just need a therapist. At least we only need a therapist to do an eval, we don't actually have to HAVE a therapist.
Botox: I have spoke with many Doctors about Botoxing Corb's jaw to help with the weird mouth opening problem he has. Dr. Trombino is Corb's normal Botox doc but there is no ENT (ears nose throat) willing to help her so Dr. Murphy (yeah he's back safely from Irac), is having us go to the ENT he uses, for a consult. Then we will all decide together where the Botox will work the best for Corb. I'm excited because we have been talking about also doing the muscles in the back of the neck, the trapezius and the triceps.
PCW's: Things are going so much better since I stopped having the company find me people. I interviewed a girl (Mandy), she went in and got hired, had the training-in day today and she starts next Mon. Sarah and her are working on their schedules together. It's so nice having Sarah back she helps take care of things so I don't have to try to remember everything lol. It's so helpful to have someone that know you and understands you so much that their always one step ahead of you. I hate workers that just stand there until I tell them what to do next UGH!!!
Reaching: OMGoodness Corb loves he's new ability. He touches everything lol. Like tonight he knocked my whole plate of supper on the floor lol
Jak: Things weren't going well with Jak. I even called the shelter to see what to do. He was starting to get a bit aggressive and the play biting was out of control and the damn chasing his tail, you know how annoying that sound is all day long lol. But....the best $32 thing I ever bought in my life has changed things a LOT. It's called a gentle leader, it's the most amazing tool. I will just get a video of it but with it on he behaves instantly.
Anyway this took me two hours, I'm off to bed.
Caradie and Corbin
Monday, March 8, 2010
WOW thank you
Really!!! thank you so much for your kind and meaningful words.
Dear Caradie and Corbin,
I am really hoping that you win this time, because your family so deserves it. I wish I knew some way to be sure they would choose your family. I mean all they'd have to do is watch your videos from the beginning to the present time. They wouldn't be able to convince me that they wouldn't fall head over hills in love with Corbin. Caradie, there isn't enough words in the English language to describe what a great parent you are. When "GOD" made you, he then broke the mold and there is no other person I admire as much as I do you. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate all of you!!!! I enjoy every minute of being Corb's momma. And I love sharing him with everyone. Hopefully things will slow down a bit soon, so I can update more. And there's a LOT all great news...just gotta find time :-D
Dear Caradie and Corbin,
I am really hoping that you win this time, because your family so deserves it. I wish I knew some way to be sure they would choose your family. I mean all they'd have to do is watch your videos from the beginning to the present time. They wouldn't be able to convince me that they wouldn't fall head over hills in love with Corbin. Caradie, there isn't enough words in the English language to describe what a great parent you are. When "GOD" made you, he then broke the mold and there is no other person I admire as much as I do you. Keep up the good work.
I appreciate all of you!!!! I enjoy every minute of being Corb's momma. And I love sharing him with everyone. Hopefully things will slow down a bit soon, so I can update more. And there's a LOT all great news...just gotta find time :-D
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Extreme Makeover Application
How did I do guys?
1. The names and ages of each member of the household
The Fritze's William (dad) 37, Caradie (mom) 34, Austin 14, Noah 12 and Corbin 6 on March 3
2. A description of the major challenges within the home.
Everything is wrong with this house
The bathroom: the layout makes it very challenging to get Corbin in and out of the shower to bathe him and we have no bathtub or room for one so I have to sit Corbin in his bathchair on the floor and his feet stick out of the shower base causing the floor to become wet over and over and it has begun to rot, leaving a huge hole, which we covered with plywood because we would have to repair the foundation before we could remodel. Also the toilet doesn't always flush right.
The foundation: it's cracking on the back portion of the house, causing the house to shift.
The kitchen: the washer and dryer are in the kitchen taking up most of the space, the washer empties into the sink, which has overflowed (many times), causing the countertop, the floor and the cabinets to become rotted. There is very limited counter and storage space. All the pipes from the hot water heater are right out in the open. The electrical box is also right out in the open.
The other two rooms downstairs: they are very small, especially when you have many many pieces of equipment for Corbin's needs. The one room has the dinning table, Corbin's therapy table and the house's only heating source, which is only a space heater. For additional heat we have two electric heaters, one in the bathroom and one in Corbin's room. The other room was the living room but we had to move Corb's bedroom downstairs, as the stairwell is to narrow to carry him up or down it anymore. The couch went in the dinning room, which left you only about three feet from the TV and besides at meal times when the boys sit at the table, we weren't able to all fit as a family to hang out together. And with Corb's bed, all his therapy tools, personal care and daily living items, it's just so much easier taking care for him in his room, Sadly this has kinda torn our family apart for the last almost 5yrs. We just decided to move the couch into Corbin's bedroom. We're hoping with a little more space, we can all spend some time together. The downside we won't be able to eat together anymore.
Upstairs has two bedrooms: one is myself and Bill's. Our bedroom is very small, we have a queen sized bed and it literally takes up almost all of the floor space. The other room is Austin and Noah's it's an OK size but it's really hard having two boys 14yr old and 12yr old having to share everything and they get on each others nerves.
The driveway: it's only rocks, which makes pushing Corbin's wheelchair very hard and in the winter it's hard to shovel.
The garage: it's falling, it's small and it's cluttered.
I have designed a floorplan for this house that would make life so much easier and better but we just have no funds. Since you guys didn't pick us, we had decided to have a fundraiser, to at least repair the foundation and make the bathroom more accessible, but now with this announcement of the show looking in our area again.....I highly doubt anyone is going to want to donate to us, they will want to wait to find out whose chosen.
3. Explanation of why this family is deserving, or a positive role model in their community.
I put my heart and soul into trying to get you guys to notice us. Back in 2007 I worked the whole year getting everything ready to send in. That Dec when we applied, we included videos, pictures and a petition with over 4,000 signatures of support. We applied again in 2009 when you announced you were looking for a family in our area. Within 3 weeks we had over 600 signatures of support again. The whole town was buzzing, everyone kept saying we hope it's you guys, you so deserve it. Many people called and e-mailed me, telling me that they sent in e-mails nominating us too. We even had people standing outside of our house hoping to see that bus. And I know of people this time too that are sending in e-mails about us again.
I don't know what more we can do to show you all we have a great story to tell.....Our house is falling apart, it's very small, it only has two bedrooms and a terrible layout, all for 5 people and tons of equipment for our disabled son. When our little boy was 14 months old he choked on a dog toenail, died in my arms and then when revived he was completely disabled. We were told his brain was damaged so badly that he would likely stay in a vegetative state. I was NOT ok with that, I have worked my ass off for almost 5year now, proving those doctors wrong. My son is no where near in a vegetative state. He understands so much now, he interacts with us, he eats by mouth and even just a few weeks ago he learn how to tell us NO....I will NEVER stop trying to help him get better. I have designed and made all my own equipment and do all my own therapies with him because since he was 3 years old (he's almost 6 years old now), I have had to fight with the state medical assistance to provide him therapy regularly. The lack of therapy has been all because of paperwork. The center has been sending in the prior authorizations on the wrong forms. Wrong form are all trashed right away. And apparently they don't let you know it was the wrong form so all these years he could have been getting true rehabilitation....I am only one person I can only do so much. Not only do I do his therapy by myself, I also have to be everyone else too...an advocate, a nurse, a teacher, a dietitian, a sectary, a personal aide, a mom to two older boys, a wife, a housekeeper, etc etc. I did NOT ask for this job, nor did I apply for it, nor did I get any training, but I wouldn't give it up for the world. Corbin is the love of my life.
Another way I feel we are deserving is because I believe in my heart that Corbin was giving back to me for a purpose. The purpose of touching every person that meets him, in some way or another. You can't help but to smile and have a better day when you meet him. His big blue eyes and huge dimples light up every ones day. I began journaling his story since shortly after his accident. So I designed and manage his website www.CorbinLeeProject.com it has his whole story, updates, videos/pics and other information. Corbin has many faithful follower, they love him like he's family. Also I have had a number of parents searching for help, that have come across Corb's website and they have contacted me asking for help because Corbin and I have inspired them. They want to know what I did/do with him, so they can try it with their disabled child too. I happily answer any questions they may have and if I don't know the answer I will send them to an on-line support group that I also belong too. And many of the families that have children like Corbin because of horrible accidents, become very close. We all have something in common, even though it's a terrible reason, it's helpful to have somewhere and someone to turn too. The common person could never understand what we are going through on a daily basis.
Another thing I do with Corb is bring him to the local colleges so the students can work with someone as hurt as Corb is. The professors pretty much have me teach the student how to do things with Corb and I enjoy every minute and so does he.
A dream of mine would be to start a "new kind" of therapy center, one that teaches parents they are the most important part of their child's recovery and where the college students could come to volunteer their time and in return they will have hands on training. I also have an idea for a book....a how to do it yourself kind.
4. Photos of the family and a photo of the home
2009 family photo:
Front and back of the house:
Hour tour: (rooms have since changed)
A special kind of love:
5. Don’t forget to include a contact phone number.
H (715)392-9123
C (218)341-3797
W (715)398-5340
e-mail CorbinLeeProject@yahoo.com
1. The names and ages of each member of the household
The Fritze's William (dad) 37, Caradie (mom) 34, Austin 14, Noah 12 and Corbin 6 on March 3
2. A description of the major challenges within the home.
Everything is wrong with this house
The bathroom: the layout makes it very challenging to get Corbin in and out of the shower to bathe him and we have no bathtub or room for one so I have to sit Corbin in his bathchair on the floor and his feet stick out of the shower base causing the floor to become wet over and over and it has begun to rot, leaving a huge hole, which we covered with plywood because we would have to repair the foundation before we could remodel. Also the toilet doesn't always flush right.
The foundation: it's cracking on the back portion of the house, causing the house to shift.
The kitchen: the washer and dryer are in the kitchen taking up most of the space, the washer empties into the sink, which has overflowed (many times), causing the countertop, the floor and the cabinets to become rotted. There is very limited counter and storage space. All the pipes from the hot water heater are right out in the open. The electrical box is also right out in the open.
The other two rooms downstairs: they are very small, especially when you have many many pieces of equipment for Corbin's needs. The one room has the dinning table, Corbin's therapy table and the house's only heating source, which is only a space heater. For additional heat we have two electric heaters, one in the bathroom and one in Corbin's room. The other room was the living room but we had to move Corb's bedroom downstairs, as the stairwell is to narrow to carry him up or down it anymore. The couch went in the dinning room, which left you only about three feet from the TV and besides at meal times when the boys sit at the table, we weren't able to all fit as a family to hang out together. And with Corb's bed, all his therapy tools, personal care and daily living items, it's just so much easier taking care for him in his room, Sadly this has kinda torn our family apart for the last almost 5yrs. We just decided to move the couch into Corbin's bedroom. We're hoping with a little more space, we can all spend some time together. The downside we won't be able to eat together anymore.
Upstairs has two bedrooms: one is myself and Bill's. Our bedroom is very small, we have a queen sized bed and it literally takes up almost all of the floor space. The other room is Austin and Noah's it's an OK size but it's really hard having two boys 14yr old and 12yr old having to share everything and they get on each others nerves.
The driveway: it's only rocks, which makes pushing Corbin's wheelchair very hard and in the winter it's hard to shovel.
The garage: it's falling, it's small and it's cluttered.
I have designed a floorplan for this house that would make life so much easier and better but we just have no funds. Since you guys didn't pick us, we had decided to have a fundraiser, to at least repair the foundation and make the bathroom more accessible, but now with this announcement of the show looking in our area again.....I highly doubt anyone is going to want to donate to us, they will want to wait to find out whose chosen.
3. Explanation of why this family is deserving, or a positive role model in their community.
I put my heart and soul into trying to get you guys to notice us. Back in 2007 I worked the whole year getting everything ready to send in. That Dec when we applied, we included videos, pictures and a petition with over 4,000 signatures of support. We applied again in 2009 when you announced you were looking for a family in our area. Within 3 weeks we had over 600 signatures of support again. The whole town was buzzing, everyone kept saying we hope it's you guys, you so deserve it. Many people called and e-mailed me, telling me that they sent in e-mails nominating us too. We even had people standing outside of our house hoping to see that bus. And I know of people this time too that are sending in e-mails about us again.
I don't know what more we can do to show you all we have a great story to tell.....Our house is falling apart, it's very small, it only has two bedrooms and a terrible layout, all for 5 people and tons of equipment for our disabled son. When our little boy was 14 months old he choked on a dog toenail, died in my arms and then when revived he was completely disabled. We were told his brain was damaged so badly that he would likely stay in a vegetative state. I was NOT ok with that, I have worked my ass off for almost 5year now, proving those doctors wrong. My son is no where near in a vegetative state. He understands so much now, he interacts with us, he eats by mouth and even just a few weeks ago he learn how to tell us NO....I will NEVER stop trying to help him get better. I have designed and made all my own equipment and do all my own therapies with him because since he was 3 years old (he's almost 6 years old now), I have had to fight with the state medical assistance to provide him therapy regularly. The lack of therapy has been all because of paperwork. The center has been sending in the prior authorizations on the wrong forms. Wrong form are all trashed right away. And apparently they don't let you know it was the wrong form so all these years he could have been getting true rehabilitation....I am only one person I can only do so much. Not only do I do his therapy by myself, I also have to be everyone else too...an advocate, a nurse, a teacher, a dietitian, a sectary, a personal aide, a mom to two older boys, a wife, a housekeeper, etc etc. I did NOT ask for this job, nor did I apply for it, nor did I get any training, but I wouldn't give it up for the world. Corbin is the love of my life.
Another way I feel we are deserving is because I believe in my heart that Corbin was giving back to me for a purpose. The purpose of touching every person that meets him, in some way or another. You can't help but to smile and have a better day when you meet him. His big blue eyes and huge dimples light up every ones day. I began journaling his story since shortly after his accident. So I designed and manage his website www.CorbinLeeProject.com it has his whole story, updates, videos/pics and other information. Corbin has many faithful follower, they love him like he's family. Also I have had a number of parents searching for help, that have come across Corb's website and they have contacted me asking for help because Corbin and I have inspired them. They want to know what I did/do with him, so they can try it with their disabled child too. I happily answer any questions they may have and if I don't know the answer I will send them to an on-line support group that I also belong too. And many of the families that have children like Corbin because of horrible accidents, become very close. We all have something in common, even though it's a terrible reason, it's helpful to have somewhere and someone to turn too. The common person could never understand what we are going through on a daily basis.
Another thing I do with Corb is bring him to the local colleges so the students can work with someone as hurt as Corb is. The professors pretty much have me teach the student how to do things with Corb and I enjoy every minute and so does he.
A dream of mine would be to start a "new kind" of therapy center, one that teaches parents they are the most important part of their child's recovery and where the college students could come to volunteer their time and in return they will have hands on training. I also have an idea for a book....a how to do it yourself kind.
4. Photos of the family and a photo of the home
2009 family photo:
Front and back of the house:
Hour tour: (rooms have since changed)
A special kind of love:
5. Don’t forget to include a contact phone number.
H (715)392-9123
C (218)341-3797
W (715)398-5340
e-mail CorbinLeeProject@yahoo.com
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I finally finished the application. I just sent in the e-mail with all the required info. It's hard to come up with the right words to explain things, in such short notice lol, but I'm hopeful they will notice us this time.
Keep your fingers crossed!
Caradie and Corbin
Keep your fingers crossed!
Caradie and Corbin
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Re-do...Your never going to believe this
I re-read what I said last night and that totally came across the wrong way, I kinda sounded like an a$$. Let me try again..........
The Extreme Makeover home edition is looking for a family in our area again!!!!!!!!!
I didn't find out about this until like Wed and the deadline is tomorrow Mar 1st. That didn't give me much time. But I'm almost done with the application and I'm gathering older photos and videos and I will send all of it off tonight.
Wish us luck everyone!!!
Caradie and Corbin
The Extreme Makeover home edition is looking for a family in our area again!!!!!!!!!
I didn't find out about this until like Wed and the deadline is tomorrow Mar 1st. That didn't give me much time. But I'm almost done with the application and I'm gathering older photos and videos and I will send all of it off tonight.
Wish us luck everyone!!!
Caradie and Corbin
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Watch out here come the videos lol
Hi Faithful Followers, Well I hope there is any of you left out there lol
Sorry it's been so long again. Theres just been so much going on, it's hard to even take a moment to sit down, let alone try to update. And finding the right the words to explain things, takes way to much time and thought and energy lol And at this point I really can't take to much more to think about LOL
Fundraiser update: Coming soon....we're looking for volunteers and donations, you can contact us by phone, text or e-mail My # 218-341-3797 Sarah's # 218-213-6387 or at corbinscommittee@yahoo.com
Corbin's update: Corb is amazing!!! I still am in awe. The emotions that go along with this HUGE step are very very overwhelming. Could you ever believe the little word "no" the one we wish our "normal" kid would have never learned lol has opened up EVERYTHING. I mean I can (in Corb's world) hold a conversation where he's the one actually making the choices he wants, it's not me just knowing what he would want. Oh ya did anyone every say Corb loves his momma lol well he tells me yes all the time now. He says yes for kisses too Yeah me! Also Corb has so much more control over his arms and he's working towards the hands too. Oh yeah guess what Corbin Lee has decieded to show us he knows how to do, he turns pages of books and in the flap books he even knows to look for the flaps so he can help flip them :-) I'm so proud of my little dude. There's so much more I could talk about but I think I will just leave it at that for now. lol The videos and pics will say a lot anyway lol and theres a LOT. Links at the bottom.....
PCW update: YEAH me! Our Sarah is back. Sarah is amazing with Corb, she's his g/f lol She works here with Corb Mon-Thu for an hour in the evening and all 7 hours Fri's and every other weekend. Jenny is his other, every other weekend aide. She's been with us for about a year and a half. She's also so great with him.
Jak update: Jak is about 23 wks. He is going to be a very big dog! He has naughty puppy behaivors lol but he's a really smart boy. He loves Corb, treats, the treadmill and snow lol He is pretty good with Corb but he's rather hyper now so he don't get to sit with Corb as much but when he's being calm he lays right with Corb. I'm working on teaching him to pick up Corb's toys and put them back on his tray. Well he's willing to pick them up just fine lol but I have to help, well make him let go still. For the most part he's house trained, he has accidents but it's always because I wasn't paying enough attenion opps. Don't get me wrong I'm so very happy we got Jak Jak but OMG I said no puppy lol Wait until you see the video of my floor, you'll understand why. Little Sh--!! lol
Waiver update: We are holding off on the bathroom until after the fundraiser. There are a lot of rules and stipulations for using the funds to remodle a house. One of which is you can only use the funds to modify. We need to add on, fix the foundanation and theres some other work that needs to be done first. So for right now we're going to just use some of the funds for massage therapy, that paperwork is almost done. I found a nice lady here in Superior so as soon as I get the OK I will go meet with her and decied from there. I also asked for cranio sceral but because theres no proven medial evidence they weren't able approve that but the dude told my lady that if we get some rescrech documents they will reconcider. She's also working on finding out if we can use the funds for therapies since we're having such a hard time with MA hence the next update.....
Therapy update: (I may have explained this already) In our state if you want something like therapy, you have to send in a PA prior autherization. The state has therapists that approve, ask for more information or deny services and things like equiptment. Well as many of you may remember I have been fighting since Corb turned 3 to get him therapy. He turns 6 yrs old in 10 days. I'm not even sure if I have updated that he did finally get approved for ST but only for feeding therapy....He don't need to communicate, I guess. And now that ran out too, so we have to wait for a new PA to go threw. Hopefully they won't dick around to long. And you all know he has Jason for OT, his time limit hasn't ran out yet, thank goodness at least its something. And still NOTHING for PT. I'm so ticked off! For all these years I was told that the reason he hasn't gotten approved was because the state kept sending the PA's back and forth, asking for more info or that things weren't coded right but infact this isn't correct. I actually got to speak to the PT rep from the Wisconsin medical assistance in Madison WI and she explained to me that the only hold up is that the person responible for sending the PA's back and forth does NOT get the PA's back to the state within the time limit, in WI you only get 30 days to responde back to the state or the PA has to start all over again and again nothing was ever sent back fast enough. I'm so angry that the freakin problem is bleep bleeping paperwork UGH!!! Needless to say on Mar 2nd he's having a new PT eval and then shortly there after I'm setting up a meeting with the therapist, the manager (what ever she is) myself and Sarah, to go over EVERYthing together BEFORE the PA lady gets to send it off to the state this time. I again, mind you have the 3 doctors letters of recomdation that the PA lady has sent in before. She never sent any of them in at the same time as a PA, so who knows if the right person even got it. BUT......This time EVERYTHING will be sent at the same time. The state lady also let me give her number to the therapist and said I could even call her back if I needed more help too. She sounds kinda cranky but I can't even imagine how horrible of a job that must be. Having desprate moms calling begging her to approve something that by law she can't because it isn't right. I told this lady, it just isn't fair the boy just had a baclofen pump put in and he should have been getting intense therapy this whole time and she said I know!!! I WILL dog them everyday to check if the PA came back for more info and if it does I will DOG them to get their sh%& back in the 30 DAYS too. Can ya tell this pisses me off!!! lol He has the rights to recieve therapy, I will not give in. He deservs this fight. I WILL get him theapy!!!!!!!!!!
Pics and videos update: For some reason I can't get my dropshots to upload anything so I have just put all the pics and videos into a few montagues on OneTrueMedia. Some are kinda long. Some are kinda boring and Some, I'm VERY annoying lol And in some it seems like I'm teasing him....please know that I don't just keep asking him the same questions over and over like I do in some of the videos, I only did it to show how much he's really understanding. Enjoy....
Nov 2009
Dec 2009
Jan 2010 Corb and his puppy
Jan 2010 Relax time
Jan 2010 Choices
Jan 2010 Jak only
Jan 2010 Toys
Jan 2010 Versa form pillow
Jan 2010 Extras
Feb 10 2010 Jak loves Corb
Feb 10 2010 Swim, Daddy and Oliver
Feb 10 2010 Corb playing with toys
Feb 2010 all caught up
Caradie and Corbin
Sorry it's been so long again. Theres just been so much going on, it's hard to even take a moment to sit down, let alone try to update. And finding the right the words to explain things, takes way to much time and thought and energy lol And at this point I really can't take to much more to think about LOL
Fundraiser update: Coming soon....we're looking for volunteers and donations, you can contact us by phone, text or e-mail My # 218-341-3797 Sarah's # 218-213-6387 or at corbinscommittee@yahoo.com
Corbin's update: Corb is amazing!!! I still am in awe. The emotions that go along with this HUGE step are very very overwhelming. Could you ever believe the little word "no" the one we wish our "normal" kid would have never learned lol has opened up EVERYTHING. I mean I can (in Corb's world) hold a conversation where he's the one actually making the choices he wants, it's not me just knowing what he would want. Oh ya did anyone every say Corb loves his momma lol well he tells me yes all the time now. He says yes for kisses too Yeah me! Also Corb has so much more control over his arms and he's working towards the hands too. Oh yeah guess what Corbin Lee has decieded to show us he knows how to do, he turns pages of books and in the flap books he even knows to look for the flaps so he can help flip them :-) I'm so proud of my little dude. There's so much more I could talk about but I think I will just leave it at that for now. lol The videos and pics will say a lot anyway lol and theres a LOT. Links at the bottom.....
PCW update: YEAH me! Our Sarah is back. Sarah is amazing with Corb, she's his g/f lol She works here with Corb Mon-Thu for an hour in the evening and all 7 hours Fri's and every other weekend. Jenny is his other, every other weekend aide. She's been with us for about a year and a half. She's also so great with him.
Jak update: Jak is about 23 wks. He is going to be a very big dog! He has naughty puppy behaivors lol but he's a really smart boy. He loves Corb, treats, the treadmill and snow lol He is pretty good with Corb but he's rather hyper now so he don't get to sit with Corb as much but when he's being calm he lays right with Corb. I'm working on teaching him to pick up Corb's toys and put them back on his tray. Well he's willing to pick them up just fine lol but I have to help, well make him let go still. For the most part he's house trained, he has accidents but it's always because I wasn't paying enough attenion opps. Don't get me wrong I'm so very happy we got Jak Jak but OMG I said no puppy lol Wait until you see the video of my floor, you'll understand why. Little Sh--!! lol
Waiver update: We are holding off on the bathroom until after the fundraiser. There are a lot of rules and stipulations for using the funds to remodle a house. One of which is you can only use the funds to modify. We need to add on, fix the foundanation and theres some other work that needs to be done first. So for right now we're going to just use some of the funds for massage therapy, that paperwork is almost done. I found a nice lady here in Superior so as soon as I get the OK I will go meet with her and decied from there. I also asked for cranio sceral but because theres no proven medial evidence they weren't able approve that but the dude told my lady that if we get some rescrech documents they will reconcider. She's also working on finding out if we can use the funds for therapies since we're having such a hard time with MA hence the next update.....
Therapy update: (I may have explained this already) In our state if you want something like therapy, you have to send in a PA prior autherization. The state has therapists that approve, ask for more information or deny services and things like equiptment. Well as many of you may remember I have been fighting since Corb turned 3 to get him therapy. He turns 6 yrs old in 10 days. I'm not even sure if I have updated that he did finally get approved for ST but only for feeding therapy....He don't need to communicate, I guess. And now that ran out too, so we have to wait for a new PA to go threw. Hopefully they won't dick around to long. And you all know he has Jason for OT, his time limit hasn't ran out yet, thank goodness at least its something. And still NOTHING for PT. I'm so ticked off! For all these years I was told that the reason he hasn't gotten approved was because the state kept sending the PA's back and forth, asking for more info or that things weren't coded right but infact this isn't correct. I actually got to speak to the PT rep from the Wisconsin medical assistance in Madison WI and she explained to me that the only hold up is that the person responible for sending the PA's back and forth does NOT get the PA's back to the state within the time limit, in WI you only get 30 days to responde back to the state or the PA has to start all over again and again nothing was ever sent back fast enough. I'm so angry that the freakin problem is bleep bleeping paperwork UGH!!! Needless to say on Mar 2nd he's having a new PT eval and then shortly there after I'm setting up a meeting with the therapist, the manager (what ever she is) myself and Sarah, to go over EVERYthing together BEFORE the PA lady gets to send it off to the state this time. I again, mind you have the 3 doctors letters of recomdation that the PA lady has sent in before. She never sent any of them in at the same time as a PA, so who knows if the right person even got it. BUT......This time EVERYTHING will be sent at the same time. The state lady also let me give her number to the therapist and said I could even call her back if I needed more help too. She sounds kinda cranky but I can't even imagine how horrible of a job that must be. Having desprate moms calling begging her to approve something that by law she can't because it isn't right. I told this lady, it just isn't fair the boy just had a baclofen pump put in and he should have been getting intense therapy this whole time and she said I know!!! I WILL dog them everyday to check if the PA came back for more info and if it does I will DOG them to get their sh%& back in the 30 DAYS too. Can ya tell this pisses me off!!! lol He has the rights to recieve therapy, I will not give in. He deservs this fight. I WILL get him theapy!!!!!!!!!!
Pics and videos update: For some reason I can't get my dropshots to upload anything so I have just put all the pics and videos into a few montagues on OneTrueMedia. Some are kinda long. Some are kinda boring and Some, I'm VERY annoying lol And in some it seems like I'm teasing him....please know that I don't just keep asking him the same questions over and over like I do in some of the videos, I only did it to show how much he's really understanding. Enjoy....
Nov 2009
Dec 2009
Jan 2010 Corb and his puppy
Jan 2010 Relax time
Jan 2010 Choices
Jan 2010 Jak only
Jan 2010 Toys
Jan 2010 Versa form pillow
Jan 2010 Extras
Feb 10 2010 Jak loves Corb
Feb 10 2010 Swim, Daddy and Oliver
Feb 10 2010 Corb playing with toys
Feb 2010 all caught up
Caradie and Corbin
Monday, February 1, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
A "feeling"
OK some of you may remember a few years back, I would get this, "feeling" that Corb changed.
It happened again. Something clicked!!!! As before, I have no idea how to explain it but something is different! Corb's ST started something with him where he would smile for yes, I knew that one lol but she had him close his lips for no and well he does it VERY well. It's just amazing how much one word would open up life. I never thought of it, honestly I'm in awe!!! I had no idea he could learn something like that. He has a lot of control of his mouth/tongue but his lips? it's so far out there for me that he can do it at all let alone purposefully, I got video of it but sadly I still have no computer. My mother got the brothers a new computer for Christmas (Thank You Grammy) but the memory can't hold how big the Kodak program and videos and pictures are lol but at least I can use theirs to update LOL
Although until now, I couldn't type, the incisions are right where you rest your arms on the desk. It's almost been 3 weeks and some things still hurt so badly. The pain was incredible. Everyone kept telling me oh your fine in a couple days, LIE!!! lol yes it may be true though for the common person but not for a mom of a special needs child. Even with Bill and the brothers helping, I just didn't get to rest, let alone elevate and ice, just didn't happen. Oh yeah and they want you to keep them dry and wrapped, ha funny. I wash my hands a million and a half times a day. The first three days I couldn't do ANYTHING, I tried then cried lol (really! not funny though lol it sucked) but it was just impossible and OMG it's so much more work having to tell others how to do every little thing that needs to be done, let alone a 12 yr old and 14 yr old and hubby, three guys ha ha ha men/boys are so difficult lol. Now there's only a few things that I just can't do yet but mostly I have figured out what hurts to much and then I just use both hands lol To top it all off, I was crouched down talking to Corb a few days ago and Jak was trying to run by with something in his mouth (it's always something he shouldn't have LOL) when I went to grab his collar I missed and I didn't want to land on my hand so I kinda just feel onto my arm and it pull my shoulder apart, again! (when I was 19ish I fell off my un-trained horse lol landing on my arm, pulling apart my shoulder) Yeah I'm falling apart all over lol carrying my little cow is really fun when you can't use either hand very well and you can't lift your left arm up lol ok rambling now lol I have so much I would love to share but I just don't have the time lately. It's crazy how many different appointments 5 people can have in one month lol I don't wanna be a secretary lol or a therapist, or a nurse, or a teacher, or a personal care worker, or a chauffeur or etc. I just wanna be his momma!!!
Anyway rambling again lol pics and videos coming by next month :-D
Caradie and Corbin
It happened again. Something clicked!!!! As before, I have no idea how to explain it but something is different! Corb's ST started something with him where he would smile for yes, I knew that one lol but she had him close his lips for no and well he does it VERY well. It's just amazing how much one word would open up life. I never thought of it, honestly I'm in awe!!! I had no idea he could learn something like that. He has a lot of control of his mouth/tongue but his lips? it's so far out there for me that he can do it at all let alone purposefully, I got video of it but sadly I still have no computer. My mother got the brothers a new computer for Christmas (Thank You Grammy) but the memory can't hold how big the Kodak program and videos and pictures are lol but at least I can use theirs to update LOL
Although until now, I couldn't type, the incisions are right where you rest your arms on the desk. It's almost been 3 weeks and some things still hurt so badly. The pain was incredible. Everyone kept telling me oh your fine in a couple days, LIE!!! lol yes it may be true though for the common person but not for a mom of a special needs child. Even with Bill and the brothers helping, I just didn't get to rest, let alone elevate and ice, just didn't happen. Oh yeah and they want you to keep them dry and wrapped, ha funny. I wash my hands a million and a half times a day. The first three days I couldn't do ANYTHING, I tried then cried lol (really! not funny though lol it sucked) but it was just impossible and OMG it's so much more work having to tell others how to do every little thing that needs to be done, let alone a 12 yr old and 14 yr old and hubby, three guys ha ha ha men/boys are so difficult lol. Now there's only a few things that I just can't do yet but mostly I have figured out what hurts to much and then I just use both hands lol To top it all off, I was crouched down talking to Corb a few days ago and Jak was trying to run by with something in his mouth (it's always something he shouldn't have LOL) when I went to grab his collar I missed and I didn't want to land on my hand so I kinda just feel onto my arm and it pull my shoulder apart, again! (when I was 19ish I fell off my un-trained horse lol landing on my arm, pulling apart my shoulder) Yeah I'm falling apart all over lol carrying my little cow is really fun when you can't use either hand very well and you can't lift your left arm up lol ok rambling now lol I have so much I would love to share but I just don't have the time lately. It's crazy how many different appointments 5 people can have in one month lol I don't wanna be a secretary lol or a therapist, or a nurse, or a teacher, or a personal care worker, or a chauffeur or etc. I just wanna be his momma!!!
Anyway rambling again lol pics and videos coming by next month :-D
Caradie and Corbin
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