At 14 month Corbin had a choking accident that left him with significant brain damage
Friday, October 31, 2008
New bed
Monday, October 27, 2008
Coincidence or to smart for his own good?
Coincidence or to smart for his own good?
Caradie & Corbin
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So now I will have help 2 hours in the morning & 2 hours in the evening YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Caradie & Corbin
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Birthday party
Caradie & Corbin
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Cold season is upon us
We are still going to the water park today after school, for their Birthday's I just hope we all will be able to still have fun since we feel yucky.
Caradie & Corbin
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Double Birthday party
They are both super excited & actually so am I, Corb had so much fun the first time we went.
Caradie & Corbin
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mesh feeder
Thanks again
Caradie & Corbin
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Teacher time
Corbie has an Early Head Start teacher that comes to the house 1x a week for 1 & 1/2 hours.
Today they played with shaving cream & as you will see he thought it was pretty darn funny.
Corb has been doing very well sitting cross-legged, this video is only a short clip of what he did today. He sat for 10-15 mins with VERY little correction. All I have to do is move his arm back to help him prop himself, but other then that he just sat there while Heather & I did paper work.
He amazes me everyday. I love you little buddy!!
Side note..... I'm totally done trying to teach him to chew, he has choked twice, both times he vomited & scared the heck out of me. My heart just can't deal with that. So we will just work on different kinds of foods but nothen he needs to chew first, well at least nothen he could choke on.
Caradie & Corbin
Monday, October 13, 2008
Can you say dumb A$$
Caradie & Corbin
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Caradie & Corbin
Friday, October 10, 2008
Teary eyed
He's feeling a lot better today too, he's VERY noisy.
Caradie & Corbin
Even 3 yrs later
There's videos of Corb chewing & reaching up for toys, laying down, on dropshots, because I just can't get videos to upload on here. VIDEOS
Caradie & Corbin
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Caradie & Corbin
Off to the doctor again

I will update as soon as I know what it is.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Momma's new contraption

I took video of him walking but I had to take the video side ways & I can't figure out how to rotate them here so go take a look on
He's mostly back to himself. Very happy & silly. Little stinker is still waking up at least twice a night but that's better then all night.
Caradie & Corbin
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Worse then better
I called the doctors office & made an apt for Tuesday @ 4:00pm just in case he was still having a hard time. Well things with him got a LOT worse.
He was pushing very hard all day,
And crying a LOT
And then to top it all off the night was crazy bad.
Again he had a very hard time falling asleep & again every time I moved he would wake up screaming. I finally got him to stay sleeping but then he was back awake at 12:00am
Tuesday: Considering he had only about 3 hours of sleep, he was in a pretty good mood. He was awake all day until around 3:30pm when he fell asleep for about 15Min's in the van on the way to the doctors office.
But now for the good news the doctor & I came to the conclusion that he just had to much stool in him & it was making him uncomfortable, so when we got home I gave him a full cap of Miralax & at potty time he went a LOT. At around 8:00pm he went to sleep pretty good.
And well, guess what, he slept ALL night & I even had to wake him this morning at 8:00am to get out morning started.
He's seeming to be in good mood but I had an appointment this morning so I haven't been with him much YET.
Off I go to go play/work with him.
Caradie & Corbin